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Please share natural induction methods that worked for you

8 replies

maria2bela1 · 17/04/2024 17:07

So I'm about to be 40 weeks, drs have said due to complicated history they'd want me induced possibly by Thursday if I haven't gone into labour by then. I'm desperate to avoid induction if possible. If anyone has anything they swear by to naturally induce labour, please send suggestions my way! :)

OP posts:
loudbatperson · 17/04/2024 17:11

I wanted to avoid being induced with my first, but as she was two weeks late I was due to go into hospital the next day. I had tried lots of walks, teas and spicy food etc nothing was shifting her.

That evening my husband and I decided to try one last thing and did the deed (which we hadn't for a couple of weeks due to me being uncomfortable). I woke up in labour the next morning.

Now I was very overdue so I can't say it definitely was the trigger, but it's worth a shot.

tunainatin · 17/04/2024 17:19

I had moxibustion to try to turn my breech baby, and went into premature labour shortly afterwards! You could try that if you could find a local practitioner.

pjani · 17/04/2024 17:26

Expressing colostrum for 30 minutes every night. The only thing you’re not recommended to do before 37 weeks because it can bring on labour!

I discovered this due to having gestational diabetes and in the Facebook group women were going naturally into labour left right and centre before their induction dates… expressing colostrum is recommended for GD mums. I also went into labour at 37w when I went to 40w with my non-GD pregnancy.

Ttcmumma · 17/04/2024 18:13

I tried it all with my daughter, only thing that worked was a sweep! I think the gym ball helped get her engaged but honestly I tried the teas, dates, sex, walking, side steps on stairs. Nothing budged her until 40+1 sweep she came at 40+2! My son came at 38 weeks so I didn't expect to go that far lol

Rocknrollstar · 17/04/2024 18:21

I believe laughter brought on my first labour. Watch something funny.

Dareisayiseethesunshine · 17/04/2024 18:22

Had sex at 9pm.. Woke up to waters broke at 12...had ds at 2.55 am.

WeightoftheWorld · 17/04/2024 18:26

Are you harvesting colostrum? There is some evidence that breast and nipple stimulation can mean you're less likely to go overdue. I started colostrum harvesting at 37 weeks ish in both pregnancies, but did it more in first pregnancy just because I had more time. I went into labour at 39+6 with DC1 but not until 41+3 with DC2 (refused to be induced earlier but was a low risk pregnancy, my induction was booked for 41+5) so who knows. Don't think there's any good evidence to recommend anything else though.

maria2bela1 · 18/04/2024 20:45

Thanks all, will take some of these on Board, if any work I'll update thread haha x

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