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Confused after early scan, need input

14 replies

SweedeyTodd · 22/01/2024 17:33

Dear Mumsnet,

In desperate need of some venting and input.

I recently discovered I was pregnant, and though not planned it’s very much wanted.

Due to some (possibly unrelated) issues I went for an early scan today, thinking I am
around 5+0-5+1 or thereabouts. Very early to see anything which I was well aware of.

There was a clearly visible gestational sac but nothing in it. The doctor said he couldn’t say whether it was normal or abnormal, which is fair.

HOWEVER. He then proceeded to measure the sac which came up to 7mm. He said that that corresponds to week 6+4, and therefore it looked like a pending miscarriage. Very upsetting to say the least. I’ve had three miscarriages in the past, and two healthy children.

It didn’t occur to me until after I got
home that the measurement “6+4” is according to CRL - alas correct if the embryo was measured. I clearly saw “CRL” on the screen at the scan but didn’t think anything of it at the time.

So, long story short… If the sac measured 7mm, shouldn’t that be normal for about 5+ weeks? And that there is hope left? That the doctor obviously gave me incorrect information (due to comparing the sac measurement to that of an embryo)?

Thank you so much in advance!

OP posts:
Ttcmumma · 22/01/2024 18:04

I believe the sac would be around 5mm if you were 5 weeks. 7mm would be closer to 7 weeks. Tho everyone varies so I wouldn't give up hope just yet, everything is so tiny at the moment it can easily be measured wrong. Expect the worst but hope for the best I'd say x

SweedeyTodd · 22/01/2024 18:52

Thank you for taking the time! I found some lists online, I don’t know if I might be reading them wrong? 🥹

Confused after early scan, need input
OP posts:
FloofCloud · 22/01/2024 18:56

I went to EPAU when I was 5+6 and I was measuring 5+1 with the tiniest foetal pole, no heart beat; 2 weeks later it had grown well and he's now 11 years old.
Good luck

justanotherusername22 · 22/01/2024 18:58

I've had this twice.

1st time was a blighted ovum - miscarriage

2nd time there was suddenly an embryo at the next scan - I'm at 26 weeks now and baby is kicking away 😊

So it's really waiting time hun, I know how difficult that it but just hang in there. Hand hold

SweedeyTodd · 22/01/2024 19:02

Thank you so much and sorry to hear about your miscarriage but also very happy to hear it went well the second time!

Did you have about the same measurements both times? x

OP posts:
Xur · 22/01/2024 19:16

Ok so I had my first appointment last week where the doctor measured both the sac and the fetus.
if you look at the table left shows milimiters, right shows weeks and range of weeks where the size is normal in brackets.
last week I was 6 weeks bang on when Ibhsd the scan and the doctor measured my gestational sac at 1,39 cm and the doctor said my size is bang on so let’s see what it matches?
14mm match up with 6,5 or between 6 weeks and 7 weeks. So that is how you read this, this table is more or less correct.
if you look at 7mm it corresponds to time range between 5 weeks and 1 day to 6 weeks and 1 day.
I think you can keep the fingers crossed and and scan next week again and the chances are there might be a baby inside.

SweedeyTodd · 22/01/2024 19:29

I really appreciated this breakdown, thank you so much! Wishing you all the best in your pregnancy x

OP posts:
SweedeyTodd · 30/01/2024 06:54

Just a quick update - went for a scan yesterday and both yolk sac and embryo with a heartbeat was now visible. I was measured to 5+6 which is about what I thought and all looks good. Relieved!

OP posts:
Cheetocat · 30/01/2024 07:02

@SweedeyTodd Congratulations, that's wonderful news x

PurBal · 30/01/2024 07:04


Squirrelsbite · 30/01/2024 07:06


FloofCloud · 30/01/2024 08:18

Fantastic news!! Congratulations 🌟🤩

Xur · 17/04/2024 18:58

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Xur · 17/04/2024 18:58

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