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20 week scan - baby head measuring SMALL

1 reply

Ramyxx · 18/10/2023 21:15

Hi, I am looking for your experiences with baby head measuring small at 20 week ultrasound.
I went for my 20 week scan yesterday and was told baby head is below the 5th percentile. I was referred to FMU and was scanned by them today who have said everything appears to be normal apart from baby head being below the 3rd percentile.
They offered me a MRI - which I have accepted and waiting on an appointment for this.
The doctor said after completing the scan the most likely cause is that baby is just small and petite but he can't be 100% sure!
This is my 3rd baby and I am non stop worrying, my other 2 babies I never had anything like this with any scans and I am just so scared this can be something bad.
He also offered me an amnio, which I have refused.
Has anyone else experienced this and what was the outcome?
Thank you in advance!!!!!

OP posts:
Mas05 · 18/04/2024 08:36

@Ramyxx Hi Can you please update?

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