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Babies head measuring small

4 replies

dg93 · 07/10/2021 17:28

Hi, went for my 20 week scan today and babies head measuring a little small. It says on my report

168mm 13% chitty (no idea what this means), is this normal, did anyone else have this?

Everything else seems to be measuring normal, just the babies head 🤞❤️

OP posts:
LaMadrilena · 07/10/2021 18:10

My DD's head was apparently on the 5th percentile in her scan. I drove myself nuts googling the possible causes (don't do this). When she was born, her head was as just as massive as any other newborn's - ie perfectly normal!

If I remember correctly, the head circumference is one of the least reliable. I think they give more importance to the abdomen at that stage. Remember that these measurements are all approximate and can be affected by the baby's position, movements etc. If the Drs had seen anything worrying, they'd be referring you for more scans/tests.

Chitty is the name of the person who came up with one of the dating charts.

Mas05 · 18/04/2024 08:38

@dg93 Hi Can you please update?

dg93 · 18/04/2024 09:22

Mas05 · 18/04/2024 08:38

@dg93 Hi Can you please update?

Baby was born at 37+3 with a much larger tummy than usual because of gestational diabetes, head size stayed small throughout but they weren’t concerned in the slightest

shes now a big sister and 2 years old and has always been a bigger size up than her age range, including for hats etc, so it never caused any issues and doctors weren’t concerned x

OP posts:
Mas05 · 18/04/2024 09:32

@dg93 That's great that everything was fine. Thank you for the response. My little ones head also measured 12% at anatomy scan and at 18% still at 32 weeks. I am scared that it's eeally small. They haven't been worried and have always said that everything is fine but momma worries.

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