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Having a Miscarriage NOW

45 replies

Somebodyimportant1 · 28/12/2020 22:34

Hello, looking for a bit of comfort here as I Dont really have anyone to talk to right now.
I am almost 8weeks pregnant (7weeks 4days). Although not a planned pregnancy, I was just beginning to embrace the idea and even think of names even though I am very worried about it all as I am hypertensive and of course, because of covid (I do not want to go to that petridish called a hospital or surgery 🤦🏽‍♀️)
I have been nausea feeling without actually throwing up. I woke this morning and had lobster 🦞 for breakfast (only because we have too much food from xmas as plans changed).
I then had lunch & went to bed to try and relax as I have been sleeping for England lately. But I could not sleep or relax so I decided to go cool lunch of rice & stew.
I had rice and stew, went to bed and I slept off and was awoken by a sudden feeling of wetness & jumped out of bed to find I was heavily bleeding. I ran to the bathroom to clean up and found clots of blood.
I think I have a lot my baby, haven't I? I was only just going to call my surgery to register for my antenatal care tomorrow. Should I still make that call now?
I am having missed emotions, sad, worried etc have I lot my baby Tyson??

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Lizbb · 16/02/2021 18:57

@Somebodyimportant1 so so sorry. Happen to me few weeks ago. It was such an experience. It alm happen naturally and the aftermath was so painful. If u ever need to talk I'm here. Call epu for them to do blood test they will also do internal and external test. Stay rested and take pain killers. Bless

Somebodyimportant1 · 16/02/2021 06:50

Hello all, I bit embarrassed about this 🙈 the miscarriage dragged on for weeks ( 4/5 weeks ) I had several blood tests (5 in total) through my local EPU. My hormones were not dropping fast enough but the week before last showed it was 16.20.

Now, I am wondering if I can use a morning-after pill so soon. I need to take one today.

Thanks in advance

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Somebodyimportant1 · 18/01/2021 21:46

@Moominmiss oh my goodness that is tough- sending you lots of love & hugs ThanksThanks. Dont worry, this pregnancy will go well, stay positive & think positive

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Moominmiss · 18/01/2021 21:39

@Somebodyimportant1 it’s beyond draining. I’ve been so so close to giving up.

4 mc has definitely taken its toll on me. My first mc was January 2020 at 9 weeks, then another in March at 6 weeks, another in June at just over 6 weeks, and then in November at 5 weeks.

I’m now very very cautiously pregnant again but only 4 weeks so taking one day at a time.

Sending you lots of love and I truly hope your loss will be over quickly. Take care of yourself xx

Somebodyimportant1 · 18/01/2021 20:19

@lockdownbabyx and @Moominmiss so sorry 💔 it can be draining can't it? I find myself eating more than normal (maybe comfort eating 🤷🏽‍♀️) worse thing is I'm eating mostly carbs & now my belly is out there 🙄

@Moominmiss - 4 miscarriages in 12 months? ThanksThanks

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Moominmiss · 18/01/2021 19:13

Hi @Somebodyimportant1 I’m really sorry for everything you’re going through, and while I’ve not had a PUL, I have had 4 miscarriages over the past 12 months.

When I miscarried at 9 weeks, I miscarried naturally at home, contractions, big clot etc.
Once the miscarriage was complete and bleeding had stopped completely, it still took 5 weeks from that point for my hcg to drop back down to zero.

I had been bleeding for 2 weeks on and off prior to the actual miscarriage.

So while it’s awful to keep seeing those positive pregnancy tests when you know you’ve lost the baby, I just wanted to let you know it is normal. I was told by my EPU that it can take some women 8 weeks or more for their hcg to return to non pregnant levels. Mine dropped very slowly to begin with.

lockdownbabyx · 18/01/2021 19:05

@Somebodyimportant1 I'm sorry to hear what you are going through, I had a PUL last year unfortunately so I know exactly how you feel. I had to have blood tests every 48 hours for 2 weeks, once the HCG starting to decrease they said it looks like I would miscarriage naturally. However I ended up having to have methotrexate anyway and then go back for 3 more blood tests after that until my HCG went down to 1.

Somebodyimportant1 · 18/01/2021 18:53

Going for the 4th blood test on Friday. Hormones dropping but not halfing (if that's the right term) or fast enough. It's been 4 weeks since I started bleeding and I am still passing tissues 🤦🏽‍♀️. Bleeding got a bit heavy the other day + headache + fatigue. I checked blood pressure (I am hypertensive) & my bp was low 🤦🏽‍♀️ I have never had low blood pressure.

Anyway, is it normal for a miscarriage to take this long?

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ThisMammaCat · 09/01/2021 00:49

Hello, if it's ectopic the procedure will either be a methotrexate shot, or surgery, it depends on what they find. They should have looked at your tube on Monday but they might not have (can't think of a reason why, I've had several early scans and they always looked at my tubes and ovaries during those scans). Even with those HCG levels what may be there is still going to be pretty tiny, if I recall right, the threshold for seeing something on ultrasound is 1500-2000 HCG

If you get any pain or strange sensations (taking into account what you said about how you interpret pain) in the tip of your shoulder, or any sudden dizziness, go to a&e. Not trying to scare you- just want you to be safe. Shoulder tip pain is a very clear sign of a rupture and is NOT to be put off for any reason. If I were you, and experienced the shoulder pain, I'd go to a&e even with the kids.

Tomorrow, ask them have they looked everywhere, what do the suspect, tell them that it will ease your anxiety to know, rather than to be left guessing. You can also ask for a copy of the report that will be generated by your visit. It can help to get that because then you don't have to try to hold all of the info in your head while under stress.

Sorry you are going through this, I wish you the best of luck.

Somebodyimportant1 · 09/01/2021 00:06

Hello all, I am going a bit crazy with worry and I need to know what anyone can make of this-

So, I called the hospital today to chase up my blood tests result and I was told to come ASAP for another (3rd) blood test. I told them it will have to be tomorrow (Saturday) because of my kids as I have to find childcare.

•HCG for Monday 4/1/21 was 1917 & Wednesday 6/1/21 was 1216. Pregnancy test on Friday morning was still positive 🤦🏽‍♀️.

I have acquired brain damage (for the past 15 years) which affects me in different ways one of which is that my brain sometimes misinterprets pain. I am not sure what exactly I am feeling in my belly- I cant say if its constipation pain or something else. The discomfort in my belly is not constant.

Ok, with the above HCG level, (started bleeding heavily on 28/12/2020) bleeding stopped on 5/1/2021, tummy & transvaginal scans showed nothing in the womb. Could it be that the baby is in my tube? Would they have seen the tube with the scans done on Monday?

Please can someone tell me the type of questions I should be asking them at the hospital tomorrow? I need to confirm where the baby is and why my HCG is still this high. What are the procedures to remove an ectopic pregnancy? Is it surgery?

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Somebodyimportant1 · 05/01/2021 15:14

@Aila1994 sorry to hear about your situation & I'm sending u lots of hugsThanks. I am hanging in there trying not to break down and looking forward to the 2nd blood test tomorrow. But I am also concerned about ectopic pregnancy but wouldn't the tummy & transvaginal scan show if it was an ectopic pregnancy???

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Aila1994 · 04/01/2021 23:48

@Somebodyimportant1 hi, I’m actually going through the same thing. Should be 9 weeks, but honestly I’m not sure if I conceived in December or November so could be 5. (We only DTD once in December right after I had a bleed, not dissimilar to a period) and I got the positive pregnancy test the next day.
Went to the doctors and my HCG was really low, around the 45 mark, went back 2 days later and it had only risen to 60, then 2 days later had dropped to 44 and I was told the bleed early December was a miscarriage. Jump forward to yesterday, (I had been bleeding dark brown/black discharge) I took a cheap pregnancy test and a line was still showing up, did a clearblue and it read 2-3 weeks.
Rang out of hours and managed to get in for a scan this morning, they couldn’t see anything anywhere and I was scanned by 2 separate people.
They ended up doing a blood test and my HCG is now showing up as 130. I’m really concerned at this stage about an ectopic, but if it was an ectopic why are my numbers so low?
Honestly think we might take a break from ttc as this really hasn’t been a great experience!
Hope your doing ok!

sunshinecitrus1 · 04/01/2021 21:05

@Somebodyimportant1 Really sorry to hear this. Please do take care of yourself Flowers Xo

Hannah1990x · 04/01/2021 20:08

I'm so sorry, I've been there and I know how painful it is. Look after yourself Thanks

fib11235 · 04/01/2021 17:23

@Somebodyimportant1 poor you, I’m so sorry it wasn’t better news. Sending virtual hugs your way.

Dyra · 04/01/2021 15:24

I'm so sorry @Somebodyimportant1. Rest, relax and take care of yourself.

MaelyssQ · 04/01/2021 15:11

PUL means they can't see any sign of pregnancy within your uterus but as you have had a positive pregnancy test, you could have an ectopic or you may have already miscarried. The Beta HCG test on Wednesday will confirm what is happening.I am so sorry.

Somebodyimportant1 · 04/01/2021 14:43

Just got come from my scan. I had to do both tummy & transvaginal & they found nothing and the lady said the wall of my womb is tick and that she can see that I'm bleeding. I was sent for a blood test today and another one on Wednesday. I could not ask questions because I was just numb and shocked 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️.
I was given a leaflet and only just looking at it now and the title is pregnancy of unknown location (I have never heard of that) I can't even read the leaflet as I am so down and shattered right now.
Anymore heard or know about PUL?

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sunshinecitrus1 · 03/01/2021 21:06

I had to have an early scan last weekend (when I was 8 weeks + 3 days) and it was a transvaginal ultrasound, was absolutely fine. My partner was also allowed in with me but this all depends on the current rules in your local hospital. Maybe call the EPU in the morning to find out whether your OH will be allowed in so that you can prepare beforehand knowing whether he will be allowed in or not Smile Good luck! Flowers xo

Somebodyimportant1 · 03/01/2021 18:56

@fib11235 thank you very much and Good luck for tomorrow Thanks

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fib11235 · 03/01/2021 16:07

Hi, I bled at 6 weeks and 8 weeks (darker red with clots). Both times I had a transvaginal scan, wore jeans and a top. Partner was not allowed in due to covid restrictions but was advised to wait in car in case it was bad news he is hospital phobic though so ended up requesting to stay at home. Tomorrow will be my 12week abdo scan and I just wanted you to know that despite 2 x heavy bleeds, my baby had a heartbeat on both prev scans so it’s not always bad news. Obviously I’ll know more tomorrow whether I made it passed 8 weeks but my experience is that the pregnancy symptoms, nausea/sore boobs/tiredness come and go so try not to read too much into it, get the scan done and you might be pleasantly surprised.

ShalomToYouJackie · 03/01/2021 15:10

They'll probably try an abdominal scan first then use a transvaginal if they need to.

Wear a top and leggings/trousers or whatever you're comfortable in. Whether or not your partner can come depends on the hospital so I'd ask them, bring him with you and have him wait outside anyway incase you get bad news as you don't want to be alone afterwards.

MaelyssQ · 03/01/2021 14:54

Your partner probably won't be allowed to attend with you.Wear what you are comfortable in.

Somebodyimportant1 · 03/01/2021 14:50

I am wondering if my partner would be allowed to come in with me. I'm very nervous

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Somebodyimportant1 · 03/01/2021 14:40

@kirinm thanks. Now, I am wondering what to wear tomorrow 🤦🏽‍♀️

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