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Keeping sane in the last week - tips please!

1 reply

mandler · 08/10/2007 18:33

So this is the last full week - my edd is 18th (next Thursday) but thanks to a recent baby heartrate race I will be induced if junior hasn't appeared by then.
So I know that this is the last full week of pregnancy but I started to feel really down and knackered today.
Any tips for getting through it? (without masses of fun activities, my back is killing me!)

OP posts:
bumptobaby · 08/10/2007 19:31

Hi Mandler

I'm due on Sat and had been finding all this spare time was getting me down as well so i made an effort to try and enjoy my last few days (fingers crossed).

  • Going for lunch with friends - even the ones who work (its really nice seeing them for an hour or two and then they need to get stuck back in to work lol)

  • I have been helping DH with DIY he wants to get done before the baby arrives, doesn't sound fun but its been a good way to spend some together time.

  • Going out for dinner (there is a food theme here) or to the cinema or a show depending where you are, we have realised that we won't be able to just go out at a drop of a hat.

    I have also been trying to get to know a few of the mums to be that i met at the antenatal class, we are all in the same boat so it will be useful to have them around.

    Hope some of these things help - other ideas are getting the house ready for baby (not very fun ad won't help the back) Sleeping lots - i can't get comfy so that one doesn't work for me.

    Enjoy it won't be long till you meet you LO.

    Good luck when the time comes!
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