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Hot and Aching Hands?

2 replies

ELB1 · 08/10/2007 10:47

Just wondering if anyone else is suffering from hot and aching hands. I am 34 weeks and for the last few days they seem to be getting hotter and bigger and have started to ache.
It started off just being hot and red with a bit off puffiness, they are now burning hot most of the time and I feel like I have arthritis! They are stiff and achy (sp?) and rather than looking puffy, they look like they have actually grown!
I know that oedema (sp?) is common and that it could also be a sign of Pre-eclampsia but I have no other symptoms and my urine was clear of protein at last check up on Friday.
Any shared experiences would be a help to hear about - as would any tips for relief!

OP posts:
peggotty · 08/10/2007 10:58

I have had this on and off recently, although I'm only 24 weeks. Like you, no other symptoms. I had to take off all my rings the other day because they felt horribly tight. It did sort itself out. HAven't really got any tips, sorry, except to take your rings off ! Maybe you should just check with your mw?

WheresMyWaistGone · 08/10/2007 13:34

I'm 39+2 (eek!) and my hands have got more an dmore swollen over the last few weeks. It's natural I think and just water retention. But do talk to your mw at the next appt and yes, take your rings off - that'll also help take your mind off it!

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