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Do i need a full bladder for my20 week scan?

20 replies

missnatalie · 07/10/2007 20:48

Ive got my anomoly scan tomorrow and was just wondering if i still need to have a full bladder?


OP posts:
BrownSuga · 07/10/2007 20:49


sideways · 07/10/2007 20:49

I was told no

PestoPumpkinMonster · 07/10/2007 20:50

I was told no, only for the 12 week one.

honeyapple · 07/10/2007 20:51

NO! NO! NO! Only for 12 wk scan.
Good luck and enjoy seeing your LO.

BrownSuga · 07/10/2007 20:51

they made me drink water when i went to fill up

pobletsmum · 07/10/2007 20:52


Just had scan and there was a problem with the baby's stomach (all OK in re-scan) but went to toilet halfway through, while we were waiting for baby to swallow. Sonographer said full bladder not necessary cos of natomy - baby higher than bladder at this stage anyway.

Hope everything goes well at the scan.

pobletsmum · 07/10/2007 20:52


BrownSuga · 07/10/2007 20:55

have just done a search thru google, some say yes, some no, some say depends on hospital. very confusing.

Gemy · 07/10/2007 20:56

I think it depends in the type of scanning machine the hospital has (and this is really a guess due to my experiences): For my first baby,I did not need full bladder for 12 week scan but did for 20 week. For second baby. needed full bladder for both scans. With your appointment letter there is usually a leaflet enclosed with any pre-requisites you need to follow.

missnatalie · 07/10/2007 20:58

Thanks ladies. I think ill opt for not having a full bladder. Theres no way ill be able to hold a full one. Findidng it impossible to hold a trickle in at the moment .

How long does the scan last for? Was told approx 30 mins?? Is that right?

OP posts:
Washersaurus · 07/10/2007 21:08

It does depend on the equipment used. I was booked for a 3rd scan to check placenta position after my 20wk scan and they couldn't do it because my bladder was empty.

DarthVader · 07/10/2007 21:16

my scan was running 45 mins late so they only had about 5 mins of me with a full bladder before I ran off to the toilet! The radiographer was pretty unimpressed by this and I kept having to go and come back because of the position of the baby. However they eventually saw what they needed to despite a virtually empty bladder. But they were CROSS with me, so maybe this made things difficult to see easily! They refused to tell me the sex as revenge.

chipmonkey · 07/10/2007 22:00

On her 1st pg, my poor SIL was under the impression that she needed a full bladder for a 17 week scan. Eventually, she hobbled up to the staff at reception and asked how much longer she'd be as she really needed the toilet. Staff all laughed and told her she didn't need a full bladder at this stage. She said she never ran so fast for a toilet!

tyaca · 07/10/2007 22:03

ring 'em and ask !

and good luck

vole3 · 07/10/2007 22:10

Can depend on your physique to a certain degree, but if they can't see adequately it may mean hanging around waiting to fill and being rescanned that day if they can fit you in, or being rebooked because they can't assess everything and you worrying unnecessarily.

The best fix is to empty about an hour beforehand and then drink 1 litre of water over the next half an hour. When you arrive for your appointment, check that they are running to time with the appointments and if they are running more than 20 minutes late, try and let a little bit out, but not everything.

missbumpy · 07/10/2007 23:10

I think it depends on hospital. I had my 12 week and 20 week scan at one London hospital and didn't have to have full bladder but I've since moved to another London hospital and I've noticed signs up in the antenatal clinic reminding women to drink a few pints of water before their scans.

Not sure if it's to do with different equipment or just different hospital protocols?

Good luck anyway.

mumofk · 08/10/2007 05:45

If you have a full-ish bladder, and baby is in an awkward position, the sonographer can send you to the loo in the hope baby might move. If you're a bigger build, or well padded round the middle( like me!) a full bladder can help get a better view. Try to have something in your bladder, and if you're uncomfortable SAY so!
Sometimes scans do keep to time (often delays are for emergencies or sad reasons- not just vindictive sonographers knowing you'll have a full bladder!)
The real challenge- if you can't wait- is the trying to 'part-empty' your bladder! Trying to hang on to something can help, though, esp if this isn't your first, might be impossible.
good luck, hope all goes well, and don't panic if your little one is awkward and you have to go back another day for a rescan (its VERY common).
(yes, I'm a snogger who'll probably be grumpy later with morning sickness and being v. tired coz I'm up this early!)

ghosty · 08/10/2007 06:11

I have had two children ... never needed full bladder for either 12 week or 20 week scan.
Even when I had a miscarriage and I was at the 12 week stage when I started bleeding did they ask me to have a full bladder.

I have had scans at less than 12 weeks though, and scans when not pregnants and those times, yes, needed full bladder.

SpookyBearistheSpookyBear · 08/10/2007 06:41

I was made to go and have a wee halfway through mine as they could't see baby properly because of the huge bladder in the way.

rozzyraspberry · 08/10/2007 08:16

We get told a full bladder for 12 week scan but for anomaly scan come as you are ie don't go within half an hour of your appointment.

I think how long the scan takes depends on whether baby is lying in a good position and how much it's wriggling. With ds1 we were in and out all afternoon then had to do back a week later as they couldn't get a good view of the heart. Pregnant at the moment and the scan only took around 5 minutes - sonographer said he was the easiest baby to scan she'd had all day.

Good luck

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