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bleeding in pregnancy

1 reply

aceyb · 07/10/2007 11:10

Hi Has anyone any advice, i'm now 19weeks with my third child, and i've had bleeding now for over a week, its the third time its happened. Had scan each time with nothing to see, had anatomy scan friday all normal, anyone else had this problem?

OP posts:
nimnom · 07/10/2007 11:49

I had bleeding from 24 weeks onwards with ds1. It was very heavy for two days with clots. Then on and off throughout the rest of pregnancy. I was admitted to hospital each time and then finally induced at 38 weeks and had ds by emrgency csection - he was perfectly fine. Fortunately I was able to take it really easy throughout which is not easy for you with two other children. I would take it as easy as you can - pull in all those favours! and definitely keep in close contact with your mw (although I found the maternity unit were much more help in my case). I'm sure everything will be fine. Good Luck and keep in touch.

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