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Tips for dealing with lower back pain

6 replies

Stefka · 06/10/2007 21:30

Tomorrow I will be 39 weeks and I have awful lower back pain. I had probs before I was pregnant and have been suffering from pain in my hips when I sleep at night. I have to keep turning from side to side as they get painful when I lie on them. Now I have horrid pain across my lower back. I have been using a hot water bottle - just wondered if there were any other coping suggestions out there.

OP posts:
mumzyof2 · 06/10/2007 21:35

oh,id like to know the answer to this too, all i know is the basics, hot water bottle, bath etc. if you are nearly due to give birth, what about a tens machine? you could use it now to help your back, and in labour too.

GoodGollyMissMolly · 08/10/2007 11:17

Awwww I know how you are feeling, I'm 35 weeks today and have been suffereing with awfull hip pain in bed and terrible lower backpain since I was about 22ish weeks. It got so bad I had to pay to see my physio!!

I bought a cuddle pillow from mothercare (but I have seen a cheaper one recently, but cant remember where, try googling it) The pillow has helped ease the pain to an extent.

I know it's not much help but it's worth a try. You have my sympathies, it's horrible isn't it.

Heated · 08/10/2007 11:30

Sitting on one of those aerobic balls really helped & rocking back and forth and in circular movements helped strengthen back muscles. The cheapest ones cost about £7-8 in Argos I think.

Cazzybaby · 08/10/2007 11:45

Instead of using a hot water bottle, I got this wierd heat up ladybird thing from Liddle. Its gel and heats up so molds the shape of your back really well. You can also get bean bag type things that heat up in the miscrowave and are more bendy and can shape well to the back - not sure if this is much help? xx

chunkypudding · 08/10/2007 18:15

The 'Cat' pilates/yoga move (really quite easy, kind of a gradual arching of your back when on all fours) can really really help.

I'll see if I can find a link to anything you can look at that may help show you it - the easiest thing would be to have someone show you, but I can't do that from here!

I'm only 27+3 and my back has been awful - mostly seems to be cos baby pulls you forward making you overarch back and stick arse out...

My pilates instructor is always getting me to 'lengthen the tailbone' if you imagine having a weight pulling your tailbone down that can help, its weird as standing straight now feels more like leaning backward....

muppetgirl · 08/10/2007 18:17

I am 36 weeks and I have been using the thermacare heat wrap. You can buy them from pharmacist, they are safe to use and stay heated for about 8 hrs. Best mobility I'd had in ages.

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