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Sex of Baby at Queen Charlottes?

8 replies

thedame71 · 17/10/2004 19:48

I'm going for my 20 week scan on Tuesday and hope to find out the sex of the baby. I already have 2 DS and would like to prepare if its gonna be 3!

Anybody know what their policy is? I know some hospitals don't give this info...


OP posts:
BeachedWhale · 18/10/2004 09:58

I'm having my baby there in Dec and I found out the sex at my 20 week scan. Also had my twins there in 2001 and they told me the sex then without any hassle.

SofiaAmes · 18/10/2004 01:19

Had my dd there in 2002. They told me at 14 (?) week scan (I think it was the one I had for the nuchal fold), that they thought it was a girl. I then had an amnio and they told me again that it was a girl. All of this was in fact confirmed by the amnio. But they didn't seem to object to telling me.

hana · 17/10/2004 22:22

a friend found out 2 weeks ago the sex at her dating scan at QC!

princesspeahead · 17/10/2004 22:16

should have said - my third is now 1 so this was in ummmmm may 2003

WideWebWitch · 17/10/2004 22:15

Told me for ds in 1997 too. But this is VERY old info!

lou33 · 17/10/2004 21:36

That's changed then. They wouldn't tell me for dd1 in 1992

thedame71 · 17/10/2004 20:12

Thank you! xx

OP posts:
princesspeahead · 17/10/2004 20:05

they are happy to tell you. they told me for my third!

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