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8 replies

loopielou · 06/10/2007 13:02

Hi all this is my first time writing on here although I read all the posts well most!
I have been feeling really depressed and run down. Im 5 months preg and wondering if im in the same boat as anyone else?

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vnmum · 06/10/2007 13:29

hi i got PND with my first DC which was only diagnosed 10 months after he was born. i was put on tabs but then told to come off them after a few months as i was feeling better and wanted to conceive. i then started feeling down at the beginning of this pregnancy.

i spoke to my midwife about it who told me to speak to a GP and get a refferal for a Psychiatric nurse appointment. anyway i was seeing the CPN for a few sessions and started to feel better. i dont know if its hormone related or not as now im in my 3rd trimester im starting to have days where i feel i could be heading down again.

its not a nice place to be but speak to your midwife and try and get some support. it also helps for after the birth aswell as people will be aware that you are at an increased risk of PND.

by the way, because i responded to CPN sessions and didnt need tabs this time i was told that i am more likely to respond well to counselling if i do get PND this time round so prob wont need drugs, so its not always a bad outlook

loopielou · 06/10/2007 13:34

I had really bad depression before and came off all my anti-depressants when I discovered I was preg. I was fine for a few weeks but I just feel so low. Had all kinds of councilling and it didn't help. Really scared I am doing damage to the baby with all this stress.

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daisyandbabybootoo · 06/10/2007 13:38

loopielou, ante-natal depression is a ver real problem (I suffered all the way through my pregnancy) and according to my GP, most PND actually starts when the woman is pregnant. I left it very late thoguh before seeing my GP about it, but was put on ADs at about 36 weeks. My baby is now 18 weeks old and I'm slowly starting to feel better about things.

I would urge you to go and see your GP, and if there is a particular GP at your practice who is sympathetic to depressive illnesses then try to see him/her.

I'm lucky in that my practice are very clued up in this area and there is even a psychiatric nurse attached to the HV team. I saw her a few times before the birth and also afterwards and she was instrumental in getting me referred to the neo-natal unit at the psychiatric hospital.

But, you are most definately not alone and there have been a few support threads. I'll try to find one and link it for you.

Just knowing you're not going crazy and being able to bounce your thoughts off someone else can help immensely.

Take care of yourself and go see your GP

loopielou · 06/10/2007 13:40

Thanks for this. I will make an appointment with my GP and hopefully get this sorted.

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daisyandbabybootoo · 06/10/2007 13:41

don't worry about the stress and the effect on your baby is the most placid little angel, and at my worst stage in my pregnancy I was a screaming banshee who threw things on a regular basis

There are some ADs suitable for use in pregnancy and whilst BF. I would see if your GP can refer you to a specialist in this area.

Hugs to you xx

vnmum · 06/10/2007 13:42

when i spoke to my midwife she said that if i needed tabs then it would be ok. she said that she had looked after women before that were pregnant and taking ADs and that theye have to weigh up the risk factor involved with not treating you and your risk for self harm etc or the risk of tabs on baby but you feeling well.

it is only a consultant psychiatrist who can ultimately give you tabs when you are pregnant.

if you have a good relationship with your GP who was treating you for your depression before, make an appointment with them and see what they can offer.

i did find that after my morning sickness and feeling crap time had gone i started to feel more positive

daisyandbabybootoo · 06/10/2007 13:51

Loopielou.....AND Support thread HERE

loopielou · 07/10/2007 20:38

Thanks for all your support. I am going to make an appointment with my GP tomorrow

Loopie xx

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