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VBAC - worried urgent help

8 replies

Chirpyghoul · 05/10/2007 14:51

HI guys, some of you may have seen my other thread of my amazing continuous non existent labour...

I am a bit concerned over a couple of things I have just realised while chatting to MIL.

Firstly the pains I am having (severe-unable to talk or move properly) are located over my previous CS scar.
No midwife has actually seen me experiencing these pains, which don't really register on a CTG, so they have been dismissed as 'tightenings'
LO is still moving around and kicking, her heartrate was ok when we had it checked this morning when I was made to feel like I was wasting time.

Should I call labour ward and tell them this or will they think I am overreacting?

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Ellbell · 05/10/2007 14:55

Are the pains around the scar area continuous, chirpy? Or do they come and go, like contractions? If they are continuous (in between 'tightenings') then call the labour ward straight away as it could be a problem with the scar. If they are only ('only'... ha ha... sorry, not belittling them!) when you have a contraction then it's probably normal. But, as with anything, if you are worried it's best to check it out. And don't let anyone make you feel you are wasting their time. This is your baby and it's important! (This is from the woman described as 'very demanding' by the midwife who checked me in for my VBAC!)

Chirpyghoul · 05/10/2007 15:56

Thanks Ellbell, I have just gone for a walk to try and stave off the cabon fever and they are coming and going. MIL and I reached the same conclusion, if my scar was going it would hurt all the time.

I still don't feel that they are taking me seriously, surely tightenings/practise contractions shouldn't make you have to stop walking in the middle of the road!

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Chirpyghoul · 05/10/2007 16:03

That would be cabin fever, obviously!

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MarsLady · 05/10/2007 16:09

Yes contractions can do that honey. Just try to ignore as much as you can. Make sure to eat, drink and wee regularly.

NAB3 · 05/10/2007 16:15

Just for interest, my scar nearly ruptured with number 3 and the pain was more painful than the contractions. Take care.

lisad123 · 05/10/2007 16:21

i had contractions/tightenings from the moment my dd was engaged at 35 weeks. she was born after 3 weeks of pain
the contractions were painful and enough to take beath away, make me stop ect. they got worse when i walked but stopped once i rested.
good luck and hope your ok

Lulumama · 05/10/2007 16:31

sadly, real life beckoned for a while!

burning pain around the scar needs to be wathced for

pain that does not go away between contractions

feeling unwell, racing heart and sweaty may indicate something untoward

if you are all concerned, you must phone labour ward as you will not be able to relax

you are tuned into your body, so if you are concerned, ask the question !

Chirpyghoul · 05/10/2007 17:42

Thanks for responses.
Lisad, that sounds like what I have got, not 'real' contractions but agonising. No-one tells you about this!

Marslady, thats what I thought but I have been told categorically by the bitch MW's that they are not contractions, so can't possibly hurt that much

They have offered to break my waters next week on Tuesday if I haven't gone into labour (this was offered on Tuesday after my first sweep) but am not sure whether that is a good idea for a VBAC or not.
Oh well, if I am still here tuesday I am sure I will be begging them to put me out of my misery!

Feel alot calmer now you have all pointed out teh obviosu, that the pain is going away so it can't be too serious. Shall suffer on. At least MIL is here so I can walk off and abandon DD without worrying as I know MIL is watching out for her.

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