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missing cervix!!

7 replies

justme1 · 04/10/2007 21:50

at 10 days overdue, and with babys head engaged now for over 4 weeks my pals midwife attempted to do a sweep. She couldnt do it because she couldnt find the cervix! Pal is worried and very uncomfortable because baby is very low and well engaged. Anyone else ever lost there cervix at this stage?

OP posts:
ScaryMonsterStories · 04/10/2007 21:51

I think it can hide 'behind' babies head.

I have heard of numerous people that couldn't have a successful sweep because cerivx was still 'posterior'.

Lulumama · 04/10/2007 21:53

it isn't lost ! it is ,most likely posterior. needs to come to the front, whihc it will do. is this first baby? easier to find posterior cervix if you put your hands in fists, under your bum, before you have an internal.

justme1 · 04/10/2007 21:53

ah thats very reassuring! when labour starts will it just find the right place to be?

OP posts:
daisyandbabybootoo · 04/10/2007 21:53

the cervix is probably just very high and to the back and can't be felt. Mine was like this with my first at 10 days.

It means, I think, that the cervix isn't ripe.

gigglewitch · 04/10/2007 21:54

ooh yes. I didn't get overdue but mislaid mine for a while which made an examination very uncomfortable. you will know well enough that it is still there in labour tho - more's the pity.

justme1 · 04/10/2007 21:55

yes it is first baby

OP posts:
ScaryMonsterStories · 04/10/2007 21:55

I guess my cervix was still posterior in labour then?

The MX had me with my fists under my bum during exams. Was very uncomfortable. She did describe DD£ as being 'very high' though.

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