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Transverse at 31 weeks

9 replies

Ready4this · 06/08/2020 08:36

My baby boy has been breech or transverse throughout my pregnancy. I've been given some exercises to do from spinning babies to try to get him head down but I'm worried about having to have a c-section as I really want a natural birth at the midwifery led unit.
Has anyone else been in a similar position and got their baby to go and stay head down and delivered naturally?

OP posts:
lockdownpregnancy · 06/08/2020 21:56

Me too! I was nearly sick when he turned around! 😫

Ready4this · 06/08/2020 20:39

Thank for the all the reassuring positive messages! Definitely puts my mind at ease! I'll do the spinning babies exercises and hope he stays put when he finally gets down!
@lockdownpregnancy I really hope it's not too uncomfortable when yours moves again!

OP posts:
lockdownpregnancy · 06/08/2020 18:26

I'm nearly 33 weeks and baby was in the right position for ages and then just over a week ago he turned over (he was facing my placenta) and he also moved and now he's transverse! MW said there is time for him to move but he seems to be very VERY stuck at the minute and the pain I went through when he turned in really not looking forward to him doing it again! 😫

MichelleOR84 · 06/08/2020 17:38

My DS was either breech or transverse until 36 weeks . It’s pretty common I think !

Cherrytangfastic · 06/08/2020 17:05

I didn't do anything to make him turn btw. He was already full term size so I assumed it was impossible. Apparently it is!

Cherrytangfastic · 06/08/2020 17:03

Mine turned at 35 weeks too. Good luck!

babbaganoush · 06/08/2020 10:59

I'm 35 weeks pregnant with my second baby who was transverse until last week. I've been doing the side lying release (from spinning babies) once or twice a day and tried to spend as much time upright, forward leaning and on the birth ball and it worked, he is now head down and engaged. My first baby was oblique (lying diagonally) until around 34 weeks and I used the forward leaning inversion from spinning babies with him which also worked. At 31 weeks there is still plenty of time and space for baby to move so try not to worry Smile

Tallulahs09 · 06/08/2020 10:23

My daughter was transverse, she finally turned at 37 weeks and then was born at 39 weeks. I was told at 36 weeks to prepare for having to have a c section but thankfully I didn't have to in the end, so definitely still time for baby to turn x

EssElsiee · 06/08/2020 09:08

My baby didn’t move head down til 36 weeks, he was transverse. There’s
Still time :)

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