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Pregnancy brain ... can anyone tell me why .......

25 replies

TheMaskedPosTERROR · 02/10/2007 12:01

...I put dds dirty socks in the fridge this morning??

Just went to get out the butter and there they were!

oh the joy ....

OP posts:
TheMuppetMuggle · 02/10/2007 12:02

LOL - I remember putting my car keys in the freezer once!!

TheMaskedPosTERROR · 02/10/2007 12:04

am so glad I'm not alone - I was starting to worry for my sanity (as flimsy as it is!)

OP posts:
TheMuppetMuggle · 02/10/2007 12:06

I think all my friend and family would agree i lost my sanity before i got pregnant and through out that 9 mths just confirmed it

DoctorFrankenSquonk · 02/10/2007 12:06

I remember putting the sugar in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard.

Was mightily pissed off when the milk went off and I tried to blame EVERYBODY but myself. Twas no good, I still had to go to the shop for more milk.

And then there was the time I went to work in my slippers....

oh the joys!

TheMaskedPosTERROR · 02/10/2007 12:11
OP posts:
DoctorFrankenSquonk · 02/10/2007 12:13

The worst thing about the slipper episode was: I can remember spotting the slippers on my feet as I was getting into the car. I can remember thinking 'oh, I've still got my slippers on' yet I still continued to get in the car and drive to work

ShaunOfTheThread · 02/10/2007 12:14

When getting everything ready to leave hospital after having ds2, I had packed everything and was starting out the door when I realised that I had forgotten...........

Ds2, fast asleep in cot.

honeycombe · 02/10/2007 13:57

Apparently it's because those lovely omega oils are being used up by the baby and there are alot less for us big bellied ones! I put milk in cupboard the other day aswell and DS' toothbrush in the laundry cupboard- we were looking for it for ages.

TheMaskedPosTERROR · 02/10/2007 14:43


and then there's the times (all too frequent) that you walk into a room, only to stand there looking around with vague thoughts of you were there to do something - not remember what on earth it was and go back to whatever it was you were doing (if you can remember that is ...)

OP posts:
FCH · 02/10/2007 14:49

Have just been asked by my boss if I am feeling okay today as I twice lost the thread of what I was saying in the middle of a sentence, and it wasn't complicated, just about which version of a document to use. Just as well I finish work on Friday, not sure I could cope with another week of people staring at me as I desperately try to remember the word for "that thing that does the colour watsits..."

beeper · 02/10/2007 17:39

lol with DS I put purse in freezer. And used to put washing up liquid in the sink ..put the tap on and wonder why it did not fill up...only to realise I had not put the plug in.

But then as a non-pregnant woman I put my tampax in the food cupboard and then realised on the way to the toilet and went and grabbed them..but when I got to the toilet I had a packet of teabags in my hand.

Naetha · 03/10/2007 10:51

I'm terrible for losing my train of thought in the middle of speaking.

DH doesn't help matters by as soon as I pause in the middle of saying something like "There's a programme about..." he'll immediately throw random words at me, like "carrots, rabbits, trees, computers" etc which makes me completely lose my train of thought and I can never finish a sentence!!

He finds it very amusing.

Scampynoodle · 03/10/2007 11:11

Gawd, Naetha, I do this to people all the time. I just love filling in those gaps! It makes me shriek, especially when my poor victim completely loses their train of thought. It drives DH mad which just makes me do it all the more.

Saying that, now that I am pregnant and half-arsed DH is getting his own back by doing it to me too. It makes me frigging bananas.


zippitippitoes · 03/10/2007 11:12

it is depleted fatty acids that cause it..up your omega oils

lljkk · 03/10/2007 13:52

This is my 4th prgnancy and 1st one I have ever taken fish oil capsules... and this is also first pregnancy I have ever been scatty... maybe they are causing it this time???

Teddimac · 04/10/2007 19:08

Sadly my 'strawberry jam brains' (as affectionately named by my sil) haven't yet improved since the birth of dd2 over a year ago.

Was sitting in a cafe the other day giving her a snack when it occurred to me that I couldn't remember where I'd parked her pram and started looking round in mild panic. My friends kindly pointed out that dd2 was still sitting in it... right in front of me.

TheWorstMotherInTheWorld · 04/10/2007 21:36

pregnancy brain? Having kids turns your brain to mush for good....

daisyandbabybootoo · 05/10/2007 00:33

I went out when my DD was 10 weeks old. When I got back in the car to come home I noticed my keys were missing. I retraced my footsteps but alas no keys.

When I got home with the spare set picked up from my PILs.....there were my keys dangling merrily in the side door

thankfully we live in a quiet cul-de-sac.

I've also developed a propensity for putting things on the top of the car and driving off.

and forgetting what I was saying halfway thro............

and walking into a room and not remembering why the hell I'm in there

Gill79 · 05/10/2007 14:11

cheese in the drawer with the DIY stuff. Orange juice in the cupboard with the wine glasses. Going down to the train station to get the train home, realising had left coat in hair dressers, going back to get it and then getting on the wrong train in the wrong direction. But then whilst not pregnant did wear odd shoes out of the house on more than one occasion.

daisyandbabybootoo · 05/10/2007 14:39

I found a dirty mug in the cupboard today...I have no recollection at all of putting it there

SusiEarl · 05/10/2007 21:11

What about this one. On my first trip to meet the girls from work for lunch with new baby I came back to my car 45 minutes after parking it to find the drivers door wide open. I'd got out, opened back door, taken out baby, shut door back door and walked off ! How nothing was stolen from the car (or the car itself stolen) I will never know. Was I lucky that day !

capecodder · 05/10/2007 21:59

These made me laugh AND made me feel much better. I forgot how to answer the phone at work today- where I worked, what my name was- the basic stuff- rather embarassing. Then I proceeded to send out a dozen letters all with the date of 5th October 2009. Glad to know it isnt just me.


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mumzyof2 · 06/10/2007 21:24

Isnt it strange? Im always looking for things that iv got in my hand already, car keys etc, and got very clumsy too, I cant stop knocking things over, nd i do it quite spectacularly too, cereal, drinks etc, dp is cautious about letthing me pour my own milk on my own cereal.

insywinsyspider · 07/10/2007 19:48

glad its not just me - I tried to open my front door with my car key today but not the key I tried to 'blip' it with the button

lizziemun · 07/10/2007 20:21


When dd2 was 5days old i took dd1 to nursery and left the front wide door open.

Luckly we live at the end of a cul-de-sac, so no-one comes down unless they are coming to us. The postman just left the letters on the doormat.

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