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If you have an anterior placenta when did you feel your baby kick?

26 replies

CluelessBaker · 06/07/2020 10:33


I’m 17 weeks and a FTM, so I know I would usually start to feel kicks over the next few weeks. My midwife thinks I have an anterior placenta, however (not yet confirmed by scan) and said it might take a little longer for me to feel them.

If anyone had / has an anterior placenta for their first baby, can you let me know when you first felt your baby moving?


OP posts:
TangBloodyFastic · 07/07/2020 18:09

19 weeks for me but it was a one off
Started being regular at 20 weeks and could physically with my hand at just under 21 weeks but had to press firmly when baby was active.

MichelleOR84 · 07/07/2020 17:35

I’m 21 weeks with an anterior placenta . I could feel movements very early on ( 15 weeks ) but they were VERY faint . It’s my second pregnancy so I knew what they felt like . As I started getting closer to 20 weeks the kicks/movements were still very faint . I started to suspect an anterior placenta. It was confirmed at my scan . I’m 21 weeks now and if this was my first pregnancy I don’t know if I would recognise these as baby kicks . They are sooooo faint still .

Geekydeaky · 06/07/2020 18:51

I was about 18 weeks because I was panicking too thinking surely I should have felt something by now! Just got a strong kick one night whilst laying in bed, once I realised what baby felt like I did think I had felt her earlier and not realised! I have an anterior placenta too ☺️

CluelessBaker · 06/07/2020 18:40

Thanks so much everyone - I feel reassured and I know it won’t be anything to worry about until a few more weeks have passed. I’m so excited it’s hard to wait, but the time will pass anyway!

OP posts:
Havlerr · 06/07/2020 14:00

I was 22-23 weeks when I felt anything definite, during the 20 week scan baby was doing backflips in there and I couldn’t feel a thing. Now at 34 weeks I’d love it if she calmed down a little at night so I could get some sleep!

Chl00 · 06/07/2020 13:53

19 weeks was my first kicks, now he doesn’t stop 😂

Birdy1991 · 06/07/2020 13:48

I have an anterior placenta, didn’t feel a thing until 24+2.

CoolNoMore · 06/07/2020 13:16

DS1 felt like a kickboxer from about 22 weeks, but DS2 (with his anterior placenta) feels like the most gentle yogi, so even at 37 weeks now I would say I've not felt a 'kick' as such. It was about 18 weeks when I noticed some flutters. His hiccups are pretty violent though!

Char2020 · 06/07/2020 12:35

I have the same issue. I first felt movement on and off at just over 18 weeks but wasn’t sure if it was just in my head, now at 20 weeks I can definitely feel movement everyday, only internally though, still can’t feel it from the outside

KimH88 · 06/07/2020 12:08

I first felt flutters around 22 weeks I'm 26 weeks now and have only been feeling proper movements for about a week.

Hatscats · 06/07/2020 11:49

Mines anterior too and it was probably 22 weeks before I was sure it was the baby and not wind. It’s still different everyday at 25 weeks, no real pattern and sometimes stronger than others.

1990shopefulftm · 06/07/2020 11:31

Movements I had at 18 weeks but only had the one real kick so far and I m now 24 weeks.

sel2223 · 06/07/2020 11:19

Just remember, anything up to 24 weeks is totally normal OP and everyone is different.
Even if it is another 6 or 7 weeks, it'll be well worth the wait, i promise 😊

rocknrosie · 06/07/2020 11:18

i'm 30w now and FTM :)

i have anterior placenta and i started getting proper kicks around 25w x

mintich · 06/07/2020 11:17

22 weeks!

TwoShades1 · 06/07/2020 11:16

16 weeks. But I’m very attuned to my body and was working from home in a boring admin job. I think if I was quite busy I would have easily missed movements at that stage.

CluelessBaker · 06/07/2020 11:13

Thanks so much everyone for sharing! It sounds like it could be a while yet before I consistently feel anything. I’ll try not to worry about it!

OP posts:
Persiaclementine · 06/07/2020 11:05

Feom 18 weeks but strong kicks from 19 weeks

sillybean · 06/07/2020 10:51

I have this with my second pregnancy. Was probably 24 weeks before I could reliably/consistently feel baby move. Currently over 40 weeks now and can feel every tiny nudge.

HeeeeyDuggee · 06/07/2020 10:50

22 weeks with DS2 but then I didn’t feel him for the rest of the pregnancy really (large front and centre placenta cushioning all movements)

18 weeks DD. High left placenta that time so left loads

jenniuol · 06/07/2020 10:46

19 weeks.

bluemoon2468 · 06/07/2020 10:44

I felt my first kick at 15 weeks (first pregnancy) so I couldn't believe it when I was told I have an anterior placenta at my 20 week scan. It doesn't seem to have impacted on me feeling movement at all weirdly!


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sel2223 · 06/07/2020 10:39

I was over 22 weeks before I felt anything at all! The 20 week scan was crazy as she was moving around and kicking like mad but I couldn't feel a thing!

yetea · 06/07/2020 10:39

I have an anterior placenta and felt the baby move for definite at about 23 weeks. I have a generous amount of padding though so not sure how much of a difference that would make. I think I felt movement earlier but not enough to confirm it was definitely the baby until 23 weeks.

CluelessBaker · 06/07/2020 10:38

Ahh that’s so exciting! I hope mine is in the next couple of weeks too ☺️

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