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BFP test

4 replies

dehag1 · 02/07/2020 15:57


I've just got a bfp (after trying for 4 years) but I feel like af is about to come any minute! Can anyone give me some reassurance that this is normal?

Thank you!!

OP posts:
dehag1 · 02/07/2020 20:44

Thanks all - just the cramps making me paranoid! 😊

OP posts:
ScatterBrain912 · 02/07/2020 16:01

Congratulations 🎉

When I was around the time of my AF I had the pressure down there like I was about to come on, I also have a friend that said she had the pressure like AF was arriving in her first few weeks. I'm now 27weeks and she has a 2 year old.

Try not to stress about it, easier said that done I know. I hope that everything works out for you, and wish you all the best 🎉🎉

blvdbrokendreams · 02/07/2020 15:59

Up till 12 weeks pregnant I felt like my period was about to start. It's weird how early pregnancy symptoms are very similar to period starting. I had cramps, spotting, mood swings and sore nipples. 32 weeks now.

Threnody · 02/07/2020 15:58

Congratulations! Af symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms are annoyingly similar. Is there anything in particular making you feel like this?

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