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TMI warning - mucus plug - how close am I?

2 replies

Cong1 · 19/06/2020 18:24

I'm 39+2 weeks today. A first timer. Two days ago I had to go into hospital for contractions caused by vomiting (seemingly due to a gallstone attack). The midwife checked my cervix. She said it's in an anterior position from the baby's head, effaced, and 2cm dilated, and that these were all good signs. I was admitted to the labour ward as I was having contractions too.

However, once the vomiting stopped, the contractions seemed to stop too, so I was discharged the next day after nothing happening. I haven't had any notable contractions since.

Over the past few days I've been losing what I think is the mucus plug. Yesterday it was tinged with a small bit of blood. It'a clear today, as pictured (sorry!).

I'm just wondering how close to labour do you think I am? I'm just dying to meet my baby boy.

Since the hospital visit I've loads of energy and not even feeling much pelvic pressure. Could it still be a number of weeks, or am I likely to pop in a matter of days?

TMI warning - mucus plug - how close am I?
OP posts:
DaisyF1986 · 19/06/2020 21:38

I lost mine at 36 weeks but DD wasn't born until 41. I took a picture (more bloody than yours) and midwife confirmed that's what it was.
Hopefully won't be too long for you Smile

crazychemist · 19/06/2020 18:52

I didn't lose mine until after contractions had started. I hear it can be 3 or 4 days before though. Fingers crossed for you!

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