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Hemorrhoid creams in pregnancy

7 replies

CatintheFireplace · 08/12/2019 09:04

Hi all, does anyone know which hemorrhoid creams are safe in pregnancy? I won't go into too much detail but I could really do with some today and the midwife phone line isn't open till tomorrow.


OP posts:
Ilovethekitties · 08/12/2019 15:05

Get suppositories! You want to suck them back into the void in which they came. Be gone pile demons.

CatintheFireplace · 08/12/2019 09:24

Thank you that is helpful!

OP posts:
AutumnGlitterBall · 08/12/2019 09:22

Back of tubes

Hemorrhoid creams in pregnancy
AutumnGlitterBall · 08/12/2019 09:21

I only had the normal one while pregnant, didn’t know about the steroid one. The back of the 3-in-1 says consult your doctor which usually means it’s fine. The 4-in-1 says do not use so I would probably speak to a pharmacist before using that one as I’m not sure what the reason for it being a no-no would be.

Pinkywoo · 08/12/2019 09:14

I used germaloid, the cream and suppositories, but maybe check with your midwife first.

CatintheFireplace · 08/12/2019 09:11

@AutumnGlitterBall thank you! I take it I should just use the normal one, not with steroids?

OP posts:
AutumnGlitterBall · 08/12/2019 09:07

I have two children. I can imagine why Grin I used Anusol. You can buy it in supermarkets and Boots.

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