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What do you believe finally got you your bfp?

74 replies

yourmyforever · 29/04/2018 20:34

Im always reading the conception board but thought I would post here as you have all been so lucky as to get your bfp that I’m hoping you can give me some advice... Smile

So does anyone have advice/tips for things I could do to finally get my own bfp as trying to conceive is really affecting me at the moment, I am wishing time would hurry up to get through to ovulation, then through the 2ww and then when AF arrives I turn into a different person. I have been charting my bbt on fertility friend and using opk’s 2/3 times a day. This cycle I got a positive opk on day 13 and day 14, we BD on 13/14/15 and used pre-seed. I was certain there was no way we could have missed ovulation but today which is 9dpo, the cramps and spotting have begun. I’ve taken a Frer which is negative so certain I’m not pregnant. My cycles are fairly short at 24/25 days but I am at a complete loss, I don’t know what else we could have done this month and it still hasn’t worked.. we have a 4year old ds so we have conceived. Any advice from anyone would be so appreciated as I’m at such a loss now.

Sorry for the long post!

OP posts:
pottypotamus · 19/05/2020 20:42

Hi OP, this pregnancy I conceived the month I stopped using OPKs. All I looked at was the Ovia App which predicted OV on D13. So we dtd on D12 and D14 and used Preseed. I was less stressed because I wasn't going crazy trying to read OPKs 2-3 times a day. Could be that.

Cazzy198 · 19/05/2020 15:45

Everyone told me to stop focusing on trying to get pregnant, relax and it will happen for me. I got so annoyed with this advice. How do you just switch your brain off from it and relax?

Turns out they were kinda right annoyingly. I was doing the deed dutifully every 3 days for months with no result. The month I conceived, my mum was in hospital the whole month very ill (she is now ok at home). We did the deed maybe twice. Between working long hours and visiting my mum I forgot all about trying to get pregnant.

I still dont know how your meant to just relax though and that advice still annoys me

soulandsunshine · 19/05/2020 14:49

Also cut out alcohol during ovulation week, taking omega 3, we had sex nearly every day and I did track my ovulation but not obsessively has I had done before. Also made myself lie down after without rushing to get up. Think it helps the idea of staying relaxed.

soulandsunshine · 19/05/2020 14:44

Being less stressed. Going to therapy about underlying issues that caused me stress. Having at least one fun evening where we made more of an effort to be romantic rather than seeing it as a chore, using conception lube and after months of doing it 'normally' I used a menstrual cup every day and truly believe this ia what gave me my bfp!

MrsRose2018 · 19/05/2020 14:29

I cannot cannot can’t emphasise this enough!

The Natural Cycles App and Basal Body Temperature testing with a thermometer

We tried and tried and used the ovulation sticks and tracked my periods and my CM and nothing and then ONE month using this we got pregnant first time!

It’s used by some (not recommended though) as a contraceptive measure but honestly if you need to be BANG ON with DTD like I do this is for you!

I’ll be using it whenever we want to try again!!

Mucklowe · 19/05/2020 14:26

We started TTC in July 2019. We were living separately at the time - DH was finishing a project in London. I would go to visit him, or he would come to see me, every month around ovulation. No joy for six cycles, even though I was tracking BBT and OPK, and having acupuncture. We decided to stop trying for the month of December, as we were getting married that month. He moved up to live with me again, and we just had sex whenever we felt like it. I stopped tracking and acupuncture. Got a BFP on Christmas day!

user1487755366 · 19/05/2020 14:22

We used conceive plus.

April1990 · 19/05/2020 12:17

The month we got pregnant I had stopped using ovulation strips because it always stressed me out whether they were positive or not and just DTD every other day from day of last period to around day 14. I am now 26 weeks but had been trying for almost a year.

RunnerGirl123 · 19/05/2020 11:34

3 BFP's (although first 2 ended in MC). Might also be worth mentioning I have PCOS.
1 - 2 years TTC, literally gave up thinking it would happen for us, was training for a marathon and vowed to go to GP to be referred for fertility after the marathon. Didn't even think pregnancy was a possibility when I had the most sore boobs I've ever had. Sadly wasn't meant to be.
2 - 4 months after MC, I started taking Inofolic, was drinking 2ltrs of water every day and started yoga once or twice a week but only had sex once in fertile week. Somehow BFP, but again wasnt meant to be.
3 - 18 months later, under care of fertility clinic. 2nd cycle after surgery of hysteroscopy, lap&dye test and ovarian drilling. We dtd every 3 days for about a week and a half leading upto OV. I thought we'd stopped too early but was a BFP 2.5weeks later! Nearly 12 weeks PG, furthest I've ever got and hoping scan next week shows all is progressing as it should.

My OH thinks the first 2 times were because I'd ran marathons 2-3 months before I conceived but gynae said it was more likely coincidence (which is good because I'd sworn off marathons at this point).
I don't think there's really any rhyme or reason sometimes, and it's partly down to luck for some people!!

sel2223 · 19/05/2020 11:28

OP, just read my last reply back to myself and hope it didn't come across as 'boasty' as that's not how I intended it at all.

I was just trying to explain that being relaxed and not thinking about it seemed to help us - I wasn't taking vitamins, I was on holiday so eating and drinking alot, we were having lots of sex and were having fun, feeling happy and relaxed.

I know it's not that simple for everyone and I really feel for anyone struggling to conceive but don't be too hard on yourself if you're not doing everything 100% right 100% of the time.

BeMorePacific · 19/05/2020 11:25

Sex every other not just around ovulation, and losing 1/2 a stone xx

sel2223 · 19/05/2020 11:18

Honestly, I think it is so different for everyone.

I was 36 and came off birth control in September last year expecting it to take a long time because of my age (never been pregnant before). We weren't even actively trying yet as had holidays booked etc but just didn't prevent it, if you know what I mean, so we were very, very relaxed about the whole thing. We intended to start trying properly after Xmas and new year.
We had started using conceive plus lubricant as had heard normal lubes can be harmful to sperm and had sex a lot in the week I was fertile as we were on holiday but that was it really, nothing special. I didn't even know that was my fertile week at the time as I wasn't tracking.
I got pregnant in November so 2nd cycle after stopping birth control.

Good luck.

acquiescence · 19/05/2020 11:05

Sex every other day starting around day 9/10 of cycle until day 21 or so. I have regular periods but when I’ve tracked my ovulation it has varied a lot.
Every time I’ve got pregnant has been when I’ve been trying to lose weight, so a lower sugar and calorie diet, and doing more exercise. I’m a healthy BMI anyway.

Cherrytangfastic · 19/05/2020 10:34

For us it was the shotgun approach.

DTD near ovulation with preseed, orgasm, insert moon cup after to hold it all in (sorry), slept with pillow under bum whilst switching from front to back sleeping during the night.

Hopingfor2021 · 19/05/2020 09:50

@Hay94 such a lovely advice. I started taking conception vitamins couple of months before I became pregnant, fish oil and d vitamin spray (my husband had the same every morning about 6 weeks before I fell pregnant which I believe helped!). I would also have benecol (full of B vitamin) and mix it with pumpkin and sesame seeds that are progesterone fuelling.

I drank very little during my tww and limited caffeine. Had long relaxing dog walks and went to bed early. This was also the month I accepted this wasn’t going to happen naturally for us (I have had 4 miscarriages) and was waiting for IVF set you start after lockdown. Similarly to previous poster I also tried to let go of my bitterness towards other newly pregnant friends, instead of actively avoiding them I would check up on them and ask questions about their pregnancy.

So, a combination of things!! Xxx

Hay94 · 19/05/2020 09:25

Incase anyone is scrolling through this looking for tips, which is what I used to do!
I would like to give you any tips that I thought helped me

One being I was recommended by a kiniologist that I was lacking vitamin b6, I went to her because my periods had started changing, some months light some heavy, painful period pains ect..
After the first month of me taking it my period pains bad completely gone I didn't have any! And I wasn't TTC that month as she advised me not so I could get enough of this vitamin in me for next month, the following month I fell pregnant.

My second tip which I done people may find silly but I truly believed it helped me is to stay positive, which I know can be hard if you have been TTC for a while.
Me and my partner started watching alot of comedy things and would sit there laughing lots around times where normally I would be obsessively thinking is my AF going to come.
I would every morning when I got up rub my belly and just simply say thank you, as I knew I was going to fall pregnant.
Freinds and family that were pregnant, instead of a avoiding it and feeling jealousy I would start conversations up about there pregnancy, after all I needed to know for when I was pregnant.

I would also like to add I was using opk to track my ovulation and we used pre seed lube, so that's deff worth a go to!

Be proud of yourself girls I know it's hard but keep busy and keep smiling ❤️

MrsCrumbtious · 02/05/2018 06:52

We got our BFP after 3 years trying and the day before handing in our consent forms to start IVF. ❤️
The only things we did differently were:
Going away for a weekend and having a few drinks
Orgasm after him (used a vibrator 😳) which is supposed to draw the sperm up
DTD every day in my fertile window.

Wishing you lots of luck! I know how frustrating it is when people say “just relax it will happen” the month we got pregnant was very stressful and we were the most proactive with DTD 🤦🏼‍♀️

Almondsupreme · 01/05/2018 22:32

Smep and acupuncture

SoozC · 01/05/2018 22:29

It took us 20 months to get our first bfp (ended in mc). Six months later, I'm pregnant again, but I put it mostly down to having acupuncture. I only had two full cycles of it before I fell again. It could merely be the fact it helped me relax after so long but I definitely felt much better after every session and would recommend it for anyone. Just make sure you have a practitioner registered with the British Acupuncture Council and even better if they've done lots of fertility/pregnancy stuff so they know just how to help. I will be continuing with it during the pregnancy to hopefully avoid another mc!

Apart from that, I took a little cocktail of tablets every day and wore a 'fertility bracelet' for the last couple of months, but I'm not sure all that made much difference. Oh, I tried to drink more than 2L of water a day, especially leading up to and during ov. That probably helped, too.

Good luck. TTC is a hard, hard journey (well, for those of us not lucky enough to fall quickly)!

meow1989 · 30/04/2018 23:19

We were incredibly lucky in that we had one month of "not preventing" and then fell the next month when we stared trying, expected t to take much longer for various reasons. The month i got pregnant we dtd every 2-3 days and that was pretty much it! Fully appreciate how fortunate we are and don't mean for that to sound boasty at all.

I had a copper coil before so cycles straight to normal when it was removed and took conception vitamins for 3 months prior to it being removed plus until bfp.

surreygirl1987 · 30/04/2018 22:20

It took us a good few months. The month it worked, I used castor oil packs, and used Boots fertility gel and put my legs in the air after dtd for 15 mins. Plus lots of healthy food, tea and kept warm. Good luck!

usernotfound0000 · 30/04/2018 20:40

We were TTC for 16 months. I have irregular cycles though so I hadn't had 16 cycles - maybe 12/13. I tried using OV sticks for a few cycles, even did the CB trial for one. Tried sex every day. The 2 times I got pregnant (one MC) we DTD every other day from the day my period finished until about CD25.


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Lweji · 30/04/2018 19:24

Too much alcohol at implantation time.

I wouldn't recommend it, though.

polkadotpixie · 30/04/2018 19:22

We'd been trying for a year, we'd had the semen analysis and CD3 & CD21 bloods and everything was fine. I'd tried everything I could think of:

PreSeed/Conceive Plus
Castor Oil Packs
Fertility Yoga
Soy Isoflavones
Vitamin B6
Black Cohosh
...probably a few other things I've forgotten!

In the end, I had to have a HSG to check my tubes before we were able to start the Clomid/IUI/IVF route and boom, BFP! I think my tubes were clogged and it cleared them out

Claire90ftm · 30/04/2018 14:26

SMEP can't recommend it enough. Sperm Meets Egg Plan worked first month we tried it after almost 2 years of trying. Also lying down for 30 minutes after sex with my legs propped up on a foam wedge we have. I hated all that "don't even try" or "don't think about it" advice. It wasn't helpful. What was, was that the SMEP covered all of the important days which meant I didn't stress about it at all because I knew it was covered.

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