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I've put on 10kg in pregnancy (so far!) and I'm feeling every gram!

6 replies

RedBlackberries · 20/03/2018 22:40

I didn't really gain much weight at all with my first and found the whole pregnancy a whole lot easier. This time round I've been eating like a pig and have put on10kg. I feel achy and tired and fed up of lugging the weight around. It's all really central too (arse, hips as well as bump and boobs) so I'm walking a bit like a weeble!! I'm almost there now (36 weeks) and looking forward to feeling lighter again. Anyone else?

OP posts:
RedBlackberries · 22/03/2018 16:37

I've just read you can put on up to 16 kg if you had a normal BMI before hand. But I wouldn't worry kitty. If you were a size ten before I'm sure you'll naturally get back to that size.

I'm getting a bit tired of dropping things and not being able to pick them up Blush

OP posts:
KittyKK · 21/03/2018 13:02

Whoops I’ve put on 25kg and I’ve still got 5.5 weeks to go!! From a lovely size 10. Feeling really slow and gigantic chasing around a toddler

ForeverHopeful21 · 21/03/2018 12:48

I'm 36 weeks.
I'm not sure how much weight I've gained but before pregnancy I was size 6 / 8 and not a big eater, now I'm wearing size 12 maternity and want to eat everything in sight!!
Everyone thinks its funny but its actually getting so uncomfortable for my body, I feel like I'm 100 stones and I'm worried my hips are going to be stuck this way after baby is born!

I have zero self control and as we speak I'm already wondering what I can eat next arghhhhhhhh!!

DaisyLand · 20/03/2018 23:31

I’ve put just under 9 and am 37w. Getting of the sofa is difficult nowadays ! Funny thing is that in 2014 I used to weight this much and didn’t have sofá problems :)

RedBlackberries · 20/03/2018 23:06

Oh the stairs!! It's like a marathon just getting to bed.

We're almost there now....

OP posts:
Shanners123 · 20/03/2018 22:59

Yes! I'm on baby no. 1 and have put on over 2 stone, although it seems to be mostly bump and baby. At 37 weeks I'm now looking forward to having my body back and being able to climb stairs easily and walk at my usual quick pace!

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