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No Braxton Hicks?

20 replies

eeanne · 13/11/2017 03:54

I’m 37+2 second pregnancy and haven’t had any BH contractions in either. First was a ELCS for breech so I never experienced labor. Wondering if lack of BH is a sign that my body’s not gearing up for labor Confused I’m hoping for VBAC but will have another ELCS after 40 weeks if baby doesn’t come naturally.

OP posts:
AnUtterIdiot · 17/11/2017 13:13

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eeanne · 17/11/2017 12:58

I think I had one today! I felt a tightening across my bump.

OP posts:
Wolfiefan · 13/11/2017 12:42

Never had them.
Two straightforward and speedy births after going into spontaneous labour!
Good luck OP.

spiney · 13/11/2017 12:40

Only ever had a few! Good luck OP.

helly29 · 13/11/2017 12:29

I never had them, went into labour at 39+3, so I don't think it means anything!

thepatchworkcat · 13/11/2017 11:55

I never had them and my labour started spontaneously (a week after due date and then was quite long and drawn out though).

Expectingbsbunumber2 · 13/11/2017 11:52

I didn't have them with my first but my bumps been going really tight the last few days. I think it's them anyway! I'm 34 weeks

Oysterbabe · 13/11/2017 11:48

I've never noticed them and I'm 35 weeks with my second. My first arrived unexpectedly at 35+5 so it certainly wasn't a barrier to going into labour with her.

eeanne · 13/11/2017 09:30

I’ve def never had that tightening/hard bump feeling the way BH are described. Guess nothing to worry about.

OP posts:
AnUtterIdiot · 13/11/2017 08:49

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AnUtterIdiot · 13/11/2017 08:41

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elland · 13/11/2017 08:33

Never had them here either, infact I had nothing, just a bit of plug then contractions

Lozmatoz · 13/11/2017 07:20

What? No! I’ve never had them, some people just don’t. It doesn’t mean you’re never going into labour.

Jedbartletforpresident · 13/11/2017 07:02

Oh and 1 was 3 days early, 1 5 days late and 1 5 weeks early so only overdue with one of them and that was the quickest labour. I honestly don't think BH (or lack thereof) are any indication of anything!!!

Jedbartletforpresident · 13/11/2017 07:00

3 pregnancies - 1 very drawn out labour which resulted in lots of intervention, but did start naturally - 1 very, very fast labour which started and finished naturally in a matter of hours, 1 which started with waters breaking but no contractions until a few hours later and from when contractions started to being fully dilated was 2 hours. Ended up being an emcs for other reasons. Never once had a BH with any of them!!!

SuperBeagle · 13/11/2017 06:50

Never had them with any of my four pregnancies. All babies were overdue, but came on their own.

Mumsiemummy1 · 13/11/2017 06:47

I never had them, don't worry

ellesbellesxxx · 13/11/2017 06:44

When I was induced and hooked up to the monitor, it turned out I was having BH.. but I couldn't feel them?! So you never know is all I am saying ;)

eeanne · 13/11/2017 06:35 action downstairs at the moment so I'm worrying I won't go naturally and will end up with CS again Sad

OP posts:
StrawberryJelly00 · 13/11/2017 04:30

I never had them either, some women do and some women don’t.
It is just ONE of the ways that the body gears up for labour not THE only way xxx Good luck with the birth Smile

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