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Placenta at the front... when will I feel movements?

5 replies

tittletattoo · 26/10/2017 23:14

First baby, no movements at all yet and I'm 17+3.

OP posts:
tittletattoo · 27/10/2017 08:58

Thank you all! Few more weeks to wait yet thenGrin

OP posts:
Orangebird69 · 26/10/2017 23:43

I had an anterior placenta - didn't feel much until about 23 weeks.

ProseccoPoppy · 26/10/2017 23:39

I had the placenta at the front last time and didn't feel anything much until 21/22 weeks. Once I got to 24/25 weeks I felt loads - I guess she grew a lot in those few weeks and just got stronger!

DeadDoorpost · 26/10/2017 23:34

Placenta is right where my belly button is. First baby here too and started to feel movements week 18 but we're very small infrequent flutterings. DH could feel movements by week 23 though.

CL1982 · 26/10/2017 23:30

I am the same and felt flutters at 21 weeks. 22.4 weeks and it's still pretty sporadic :)

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