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2nd pregnancy after prem IUGR baby and absent end diastolic flow

3 replies

RandomUser23 · 16/10/2017 21:54

Hi all,

During my last pregnancy I had a growth scan at 28 weeks which revealed that my ds was not growing due to absent end diastolic flow. I had weekly scans and by 30 weeks it became reverse ensnared diastolic flow. Following steroids I had a c section and advised by the doctor that there was no reason i couldn’t have a vaginal labour next time.

Now I’m pregnant again 8 weeks and I already had PCOS but an early scan showed fibroids also. Just wondering if I can expect closer monitoring or things I may need to ask the midwife to make the pregnancy hopefully go smoother.

Anyone experienced this and gone on to have a healthy pregnancy?

OP posts:
Mustang27 · 17/10/2017 09:11

No help whatsoever sorry just didn’t want to read and run. Good luck with your pregnancy.

RandomUser23 · 17/10/2017 09:08

Thanks for the bump, also bumping 😊

OP posts:
Lozmatoz · 17/10/2017 04:30

Bump for you

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