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How should I answer this question?

28 replies

Frankie2015 · 25/09/2017 21:34

I already have a DS who will is 2 and now I’m so happy and excited to be pregnant with DC2, it’s too early to know the sex and I’m not planning on finding out anyway but every single person I tell I’m pregnant asks me if I want/hope it’s a girl this time?

I’m always a bit lost at what to say and normally make a joke out of it or say oh I don’t know. But isn’t that just the rudest question!! I’m sure if have another little boy I’d be more happy and am just so grateful to be pregnant again just find it so bizarre that this is always one of the first things that’s asked!

OP posts:
TheCatsMother99 · 27/09/2017 07:33

Whilst I do think this question seems to just be a conversation filler for many, I'd probably ask why they'd think that or comment on how happy I am with my current DS and so why wouldn't I want another DS?!

JennyBlueWren · 26/09/2017 19:46

I'm in the same boat but have responded with happy with either but at least if it's a boy they can share a room (for longer) so DH won't have to give up his room. Also pointed out that I don't plan to buy more clothes so won't make a difference to what baby wears!

McTootBlowsOnHisBagpipe · 26/09/2017 18:36

Urgh don't. I have 3 boys and now pregnant with a 4th baby. I cannot wait for the stupid questions to start again.
Everyone asked whether we had hoped for a girl when Ds3 was born, i can't remember what I said to them now, but it was probably a short sharp reply.

Bluebelltulip · 26/09/2017 17:32

My dh started to respond with I'm hoping for an alien.

TonicAndTonic · 26/09/2017 17:24

I’ve started saying “a baby” when people ask if they know what I’m having

Me too - currently pg with dc1 and continually surprised at the things people think it's ok to ask! For me the biggest Shock has to be when people I'm not that close to ask 'was it planned?'

KellyMarieTunstall2 · 26/09/2017 17:20

Tell them you are hoping its a baby! And when they ask 'do you know what you're having?' Tell them yes definitely......a baby!Grin

cherryontopp · 26/09/2017 16:54

I hate these types of questions.

Yes there well meant and mean no offence but it is so annoying.

I'm pregnant with first and people are genuinely shocked were not finding out the sex. It's usually "I couldn't wait i like to get things organised"..well erm so do I.. my baby is due February and all I need is a bouncer l, got everything elseHmm

LorelaiVictoriaGilmore · 26/09/2017 15:21

Jojo MamanBebe sell a maternity t-shirt that says 'We're hoping for a stegosaurus'. Buy it, wear it, point to it?

cakesandphotos · 26/09/2017 12:16

This is my first pregnancy but I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve been asked what I’m having and if I’ll find out. We’re not finding out and we’re both happy with the decision. I’ve started saying “a baby” when people ask if they know what I’m having

DeadDoorpost · 26/09/2017 08:53

I had to point to my husband and remind people that he actually didn't care whether we're having a boy or girl. Before the scan i alrwady knew anywah but still tell people im housing an alien parasite. They have never bothered to ask me again if I'm happy Grin

reetgood · 26/09/2017 07:57

It can expand intergenerationally.. I'm one of three girls, pregnant with first child who is a boy. Someone commented my dad must be pleased it's a boy Hmm . I suppose the poor guy had to settle for only daughters. Sorry about that, dad. Hope my progeny brings you the male you obviously always wanted.

My dad actually couldn't care less as to gender, certainly not yearning for a son. It was well meant and I didn't take offence, but people do say some weird things!

Frankie2015 · 26/09/2017 07:49

Phew at least it’s not just me! So sorry to the ladies that have suffered loss I can’t imagine the pain and the stupid comments people come out with so insensitive

Thank you I think I need to challenge a bit more or just say the truth healthy baby don’t care what sex is! Don’t know why it always catches me off guard when I’ve been asked if so many times!

OP posts:
Jasmine1111 · 26/09/2017 07:10

Good luck Twelvty ! I know that feeling of not believing so well. Hope you have your precious boy in your arms soon. 6 weeks to go for me till my induction. Feels like an eternity.

Groovee · 26/09/2017 06:10

I just used to say a healthy baby is what I wanted.

SerfTerf · 26/09/2017 06:08

Don't bother to hide your confusion.

It probably is a random thing to say for most people. A conversation filler. But why fall back on weird stereotyped garbage?

No harm in gently challenging strange assumptions.

bakingmad83 · 26/09/2017 06:01

I have a DS and had a lot of similar comments before we found out the gender of DD. I have since had a lot of annoying comments about how "one of each" is the "perfect/ideal/dream family" as if to say two children of the same gender or one/three/four children is less special.

Feelingstressed444 · 25/09/2017 23:08

I am in exactly the same position. People can be so ignorant.
I normally say that I would love to have another boy- I like the idea of two little brothers playing and growing up together.
This throws people and they have no response!

Chickpearocker · 25/09/2017 23:03

I think it's a harmless comment, maybe just something to say. I suppose most people would like one of each in their family.

FuzzyOwl · 25/09/2017 22:59

I'm pregnant with my third and the first two are the same sex. So many people actually assume I want the opposite this time so rather than asking me, they tell me I must be hoping for a boy. I'm actually not and rather like the idea of three girls but I think people don't believe me and think I'm just saying it.

Robots1Humans0 · 25/09/2017 22:58

@Moanyoldcow brilliant GrinGrin

Robots1Humans0 · 25/09/2017 22:56

I am 23 weeks pregnant with DS2, we found out because we wanted to know, but previous to 2nd scan everyone asked me if we were hoping for a girl! I said as long as they are healthy, happy, I didn't mind, though I've always always always pictured myself with 2 boys so was over the moon to find out this bump is a baby boy too. I don't know why some people presume others want one of each - everything about being pregnant and raising children becomes fair game to comment on doesn't it!

Twelvty · 25/09/2017 22:53

It annoys the hell out me, I have no preference at all, no idea why the one of each brigade get so het up!

@NannyPlum82 im sorry for your loss. I'm similar, 2 living boys, lost my third last year and having my 4th son tomorrow by c section (keeping all fingers firmly crossed, still can't believe it) I just give up replying now, just give a Paddington hard stare. I actually had someone pat me on the hand and say I'm sorry! Even my 8 year old said, that lady was so rude mummy! Bloody idiots, they are lucky to have no idea that bringing home a healthy baby is a miracle in itself.


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NannyPlum82 · 25/09/2017 22:16

Ugh. I hate this. I'm pg with no. 4 - our second baby was still born at full term - and all three Are boys.

People ask me ALL THE TIME if I am hoping for a girl. No. I'm hoping for a baby to bring home. I actually can't believe how many people have said this to me.

cestlavielife · 25/09/2017 22:14

"So long as they happy and loved which they will be then it doesn't matter "

Itsjustaphase84 · 25/09/2017 22:13

This annoyed me. Currently pg with ds2 and I get... "a girl would be nice wouldn't it"... What because my ds2 isn't nice???

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