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Medicines when pregnant

11 replies

catmummy1 · 21/08/2017 07:28

I've woken with a terrible head cold/cold me feel absolutely dreadful. I go on holiday in 2 days so this is terrible timing and I'm meant to be at work later on too.
I'm 15 weeks pregnant tomorrow does anyone have any advice on what I can take?
Apparently I can't even have a lemsip.

OP posts:
sparechange · 21/08/2017 12:45

The best thing for a sore throat is a handful of marshmallows...

Trust me, it really works!

JustSaying99 · 21/08/2017 12:45

Also, you should not take codeine unless prescribed by your doctor!

JustSaying99 · 21/08/2017 12:44

You can have Boots glycerin honey and lemon 'cough medicine'- I've used both times when I had sore throats in my pregnancy and it helped to soothe it a lot. As others have said, paracetamol to bring down temperature and plenty of rest if you can.

TheEdgeOfGlory266 · 21/08/2017 12:14

Totally feeling for you. I had a stinking cold early in my pregnancy and I'm sure it's the worst cold I've ever had. Honey and Lemon on hot water is your friend. If you can, take a day or two off work before you go away. If you can't rest when you're ill AND pregnant, when can you? Feel better soon. May be worth a check with your midwife but I used Olbas bubble bath to help. Not loads. I didn't say anything about using if your pregnant like the other olbas products do. But again, double check. I'm no medical professional.

user1493413286 · 21/08/2017 12:07

Colds when pregnant are awful but honey and lemon (and paracetamol) as well as rest are really the only things you can do. Could also try steam as a decongestant.
I took time off work which I would never normally do with a cold as without lemsip etc I didn't feel I could just power through and wanted to give my body time to rest.

Topsyloulou · 21/08/2017 11:58

You can use Vicks vapour rub when pregnant. I put it on my feet at night & then put socks on, made a big difference. Also steam inhalation really helps clear your nose. Sleeping propped up on a few pillows will also help. Most important thing is keeping well hydrated. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Moanyoldcow · 21/08/2017 11:47

You can have codeine when pregnant which can also help.

Try a Berocca, they are safe during pregnancy and they can help.

filou87 · 21/08/2017 10:21

Hi OP,

I had a bad cold in the first trimester and wanted to avoid any medicine. Below is a list of what I did. The worst of it cleared up in about 3 days.

Lots of fluid
Make or buy really good quality soup (I had chicken)
Bed rest as much as possible if you can call in sick
Sucking some hardboiled sweets for my throat ( a placebo as I didn't want to use strepsils, but they did help soothe it strangely and cheered me up!)
Honey and lemon multiple times a day
Adding some garlic to my meals
Lots of fruit and veg especially vitamin C rich
Washing my hands lots and new bedding every 2 days

Hope you are better soon :)

catmummy1 · 21/08/2017 07:39

I've got some lemon and honey tea so will try that thank you.
We can't have anything can we but paracetamol. Oh well.
Just typical terrible timing when I don't have time to rest up

OP posts:
WhatwouldRuthdo · 21/08/2017 07:35

Honey and lemon to ease any sore throat, and paracetamol. I'm 39 weeks and just getting over the cold, it sucks.

MaisyPops · 21/08/2017 07:32

Pretty much only paracetamol when you're pregnant.

I'm on my 2 week wait and needed to take ibruprofen for an injury and already worrying about it.

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