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39+6 and not sure what's wrong

46 replies

ItsNiceItsDifferentItsUnusual · 20/05/2017 20:20

Am 39+6 with dc2. I've felt awful all day - agonising stomach ache, bad nausea and diarrhoea. I have no idea what's wrong, but things like paracetamol/hot water bottle aren't helping at all. I'm in so much pain but am pretty sure it's not labour because the pain is constant rather than in waves.

It hurts so much Sad

Has anyone had this? Should I be worried? I wondered about food poisoning/stomach bug but assumed I'd be vomiting if that was the case?

Called 111 earlier who sent me to A&E, who predictably didn't want to know. I did try to call the maternity day assessment unit but they referred me to 111.

OP posts:
Bellaposy · 20/05/2017 21:00

I felt exactly as you describe the day before my contractions started. Hopefully it's the same for you!

ItsNiceItsDifferentItsUnusual · 20/05/2017 21:08

Hopefully! I've well and truly had enough now.

OP posts:
MrsCK · 21/05/2017 09:55

How are you feeling today?

Thingymaboob · 21/05/2017 10:51

You are full term! What idiot referred you to 111?
A and E won't want to see you. Any further queries you should ring the delivery suite. Good luck!

ItsNiceItsDifferentItsUnusual · 21/05/2017 11:02

Thanks Mrs the cramps are definitely less today. Just feel a bit wiped out though that makes sense given how awful I felt yesterday.

Thingy the maternity day assessment unit referred me to 111! Quite cross I got fobbed off to be honest...I was planning to just turn up there but there's a poster outside saying not to come in if you've had diarrhoea/sickness so thought that wouldn't go down well. But I agree, I think the person I spoke to dropped an absolute bollock there...they should have seen me really.

OP posts:
Batteriesallgone · 21/05/2017 11:47

Surely the DV poster doesn't apply to heavily pregnant or labouring women though?

Don't they know D&V is a common pre-labour symptom? Ah well, whatever idiot you spoke to is probably off shift now so you can breathe a sigh of relief for when you need them Wink

MrsCK · 22/05/2017 17:56

Any baby yet op?

ItsNiceItsDifferentItsUnusual · 23/05/2017 05:05

Still nothing! I ended up on labour ward yesterday after the stomach pains got really bad. Had to get really shirty to be seen, they are worried about a potential stomach bug coming into hospital. Totally understand that but I genuinely thought it might be labour given the pain level and was sick of everyone fobbing me off.

Anyway, they monitored the baby who is fine and said I was having 'tightenings' but no contractions. Wouldn't examine the cervix so not sure about any dilation.

The wait continues...40+2 today.

Thanks for checking in Flowers

OP posts:
endofthelinefinally · 23/05/2017 10:40

I am astonished that they refused to check your cervix. That is very poor care.

Batteriesallgone · 23/05/2017 11:15

Shocked at all of it to be honest. More worried about a stomach bug than about caring for a full term woman experiencing severe pain. Its not like infection control procedures don't exist.

ItsNiceItsDifferentItsUnusual · 23/05/2017 12:25

Yeah I'm quite disappointed to be honest and it's a shame because they were fantastic with dc1 and have been great until now. They seem to have just made up their mind that I've got a bug and that's that.

I've got a MW appt when I'm 40+4 and have already been confirmed for a sweep then, so will see how the land lies at that. I'll also speak to her about the piss about of the last few days.

OP posts:
thingersandfumbs · 24/05/2017 09:01


It's not poor care to not check the cervix of a woman who isn't in labour. If it was checked and she was found to be dilated they would then have to put the OP on a pathway that could lead to an unnecessary induction, with all the associated risks - THAT would be poor care. And as the OP has had a baby before there's every chance she would be partially dilated.

OP fingers crossed this all resolves soon and you get your baby in your arms Flowers

Christinedonna · 28/05/2017 22:15

you MUST have a baby by now?! (Fingers crossed and hoping I'm not rubbing salt in the wound if you haven't)

ItsNiceItsDifferentItsUnusual · 30/05/2017 06:47

Sorry for delayed reply Christine - but no baby! He's 9 days late, even later than dc1, and I am mightily fed up.

Induction booked for Friday which is starting to feel inevitable.

OP posts:
MrsCK · 30/05/2017 20:21

So....any baby news?!

ItsNiceItsDifferentItsUnusual · 30/05/2017 20:55

Still nothing! To be honest I'm just expecting for the induction to go ahead on Friday, going into labour spontaneously is starting to feel a bit of a pipe dream Sad

OP posts:
ItsNiceItsDifferentItsUnusual · 04/06/2017 18:23

Baby finally born at 40+13. Not the nicest delivery but he was 10lb so that may have been the source of a lot of the issues over the last few weeks! ShockConfused

OP posts:
GlitteryFluff · 04/06/2017 18:29

Oh congratulations!
Enjoy squishy cuddles Flowers

nameohnameohname · 04/06/2017 18:37


Christinedonna · 04/06/2017 23:51


MrsCK · 06/06/2017 22:14

Wohoooo congratulations. I've been checking back regularly hoping to hear something :)

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