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RMC thread?

3 replies

Staggiewife · 30/04/2017 21:01

Is there an active support thread for recurrant miscarriages for those continuing their ttc journey?

OP posts:
Staggiewife · 30/04/2017 22:19

Thanks for replying smurf. I'll go join the page now, we've just had our rmc tests done after a ectopic and numerous mc in past 18 months so looking for company while we await the verdict.

OP posts:
Smurf123 · 30/04/2017 21:26
Smurf123 · 30/04/2017 21:20

Yes there is.. Well there is one for ttc after miscarriage and a few of us on there have had rmc
It's on the conception board.. Is it a line line? Thread number nine for those ttc after miscarriage

Sorry for your losses

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