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7 replies

JoeyandBeansMum · 07/03/2007 10:04

Does anyone have any experience of pregnancy with fibroids? This is my second pregnancy and have just had the nuchal scan which showed up a fibroid on the anterior wall of my uterus! I know it's ridiculous to worry but I can't help it...would really appreciate hearing someone else's experience on this

OP posts:
TuttiFrutti · 07/03/2007 20:03

Yes, I've been pregnant twice with fibroids. Don't worry about it, they are very common. 30-50% of women have them.

Whether they are a problem depends on how big they are and where they are. As yours has been picked up and is being monitored, you should have no problems.

Mine were the size of tennis balls and low down below the baby's head, so I needed a c-section both times. Apart from that, they didn't affect the pregnancies as far as I know, and didn't cause me any pain. They do grow more during pregnancy as they thrive on hormones.

dueat44 · 07/03/2007 13:13

J&B's mum: I'm due in 3 weeks. 'Probably' was the answer to the period pain question.

Good luck!

Kraut · 07/03/2007 13:07

I had quite a few more scans because of it which was probably the only good result of the fibroid. I liked having more scans to know everything was fine with the baby. Some people might not like that many scans (had one every 4 weeks aproximately).

The fibroid has shrunk after the birth (last April) but it is still 2 x 3 inches (size of a small apple now). They can't remove it during a c-section usually, danger of too much blood loss.

I have decided not to have it removed, want to wait for a year to see whether it shrinks more and I don't want to have surgery (which in my case would be the only option to remove it). All in all it doesn't bother me now though I have probably a bit more of a belly than I would without.

I think they will monitor the growth of your fibroid but as the other posters say, too, it's unlikely to cause any problem.

Good luck with your pregnancy!

JoeyandBeansMum · 07/03/2007 12:11

Thanks everyone - Kraut, my fibroid is currently 2 inches in diameter, so not that big by the sounds of it! Although I have been told that it may grow, did you have to have more scans as a result? Have you had it removed now or did it just shrink back to nothing after having your baby?

dueat44 - did they say that the period pains were caused by the fibroid? I have been having similar pains...when are you due?

Sorry about all the questions, but I can't tell you how much better you've made me feel

OP posts:
redshoes · 07/03/2007 11:58

My friend and I both had fibroids at the early scan which had 'disappeared' by the last scan. Never bothered me, before, during or after. Think this is quite common. HTH

dueat44 · 07/03/2007 11:52

I was due to have my fibroid removed when I found out I was pregnant (just in time!) It grows straight out of the wall of the uterus, and has grown trememndously during the pregnancy, but has caused no problems - except maybe the period type pains I've been getting throughout.

Kraut · 07/03/2007 11:29

Hi JoeyandBeansmum,
I had a huge fibroid that I only found out about at the 12 week scan.
It grew during pregnancy to the size of a small melon. I was so scared and worried, so can understand how you feel. How big is your fibroid?
As I said, mine was HUGE and I was warned that I could end up in a lot of pain and painkillers and early labour. It did spoil my pregancy. I did have early Braxton Hicks contractions but maybe I would have had that anyway. I needed a c-section as the fibroid was close to the cervix.
In the end everything was fine and I worried for no reason.
I hope that helps, ask me anything if you like, did quite a bit of research on the subject.

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