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What do you do with your toddler when you have morning sickness?!

29 replies

Lalalax3 · 06/03/2017 09:54

We're watching a lot of Hey Duggee and doing occasional trips to the park. I feel constantly guilty about how boring DS's life has suddenly become!

OP posts:
Thisrabbitthatrabbit · 09/03/2017 13:24

I seriously feel for you OP Flowers this is pretty much why I won't have another child. Do what you've go to do.

Onawheel · 09/03/2017 13:33

If no one else has mentioned it..sleeping lions was my favourite game

Bubbinsmakesthree · 09/03/2017 13:46

My toddler took to mimicking me heaving by standing over his potty making "bleurrgh!" noises.

I had extended morning sickness then 3rd trimester exhaustion hit early so the entire pregnancy has been hard work with the toddler!

I've been going to a lot more 'stay and play' style groups where j can just sit whilst DS gets to run round and interact. More TV than I would like and not enough fresh air - i can only manage the park on a good day and then I am so wiped out by it I can't do anything for the rest of the day.

Praying that baby and toddler will be easier!

Thisrabbitthatrabbit · 09/03/2017 14:51

Set up some quiet activities when you're feeling up to it and you can just pull them out when you need some time out.

A gravy gradual container with a slot cut out the top to post lolly sticks in to. Threading with cotton reels and shoelaces. Aqua doodle. Pinterest will have lots of ideas.

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