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Extreme fatigue, floaters and dizziness :(

10 replies

user1480264544 · 11/01/2017 14:47

Hi all I'm currently 11+2 weeks and experiencing all of the above! I'm extremely tired all the time .. I struggle to keep my eyes open and when I do stand up or move too quickly my eyes are covered in floaters and I have a horrible spell of dizziness that last around 30 seconds! I know I should contact my gp but I hope someone here could shed some light on what it may be and if I fact it's perfectly normal!
Thanks x

OP posts:
user1480264544 · 11/01/2017 18:03

Yeah that's what she's put on my notes for blood pressure after seeing it in thought it was high! Shock

OP posts:
divadee · 11/01/2017 16:41

User 148

That top number seems very high to me. Are you sure thats right? If it is I would be seeing your GP.

user1480264544 · 11/01/2017 15:36

I've just checked it seems to be 166/67 x

OP posts:
catx1606 · 11/01/2017 15:26

Your blood pressure results should be on your notes but also get your glucose levels checked (this can be done at the doctors) I had this problem and my glucose levels had dropped a bit

user1480264544 · 11/01/2017 15:23

The midwife didn't show any concern I've always had fine blood pressure. Although I don't actually know... should it be on my notes?

OP posts:
TheCakes · 11/01/2017 15:09

How's your blood pressure?

Snowflakes1122 · 11/01/2017 15:08

How was your blood pressure at your booking in appointment? My bp gets stupidly low in pregnancy and causes those symptoms.

user1480264544 · 11/01/2017 15:05

I had low iron in my 1st pregnancy and thought the same but they seem fine! Apparently anyway maybe I should get booked into see my gp and hopefully they can help just horrible x

OP posts:
NoraDora · 11/01/2017 15:00

I was going to say iron levels but you had OK bloods.

I was the same and it was low iron reserves, not low iron levels. (the doc knew the difference in proper language!) Might be worth asking the question?

user1480264544 · 11/01/2017 14:56

May i add my blood test and urine test results all came back completely normal and we're only carried out very recently

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