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Skull theory

3 replies

Lovemylittlebear · 12/11/2016 19:20

Hi guys

We are having a surprise this time. Been reading up on skull theory for a bit of fun. Anyone fancy a guess? :)

Skull theory
OP posts:
Lovemylittlebear · 13/11/2016 11:39

That's exactly what I thought tea kind - I looked at the example and was like aha a girl because of forehead and then looked at the jaw and thought or a boy :)

OP posts:
Teakind · 13/11/2016 09:56

Because it's part of the fun and purely guessing!

I'd guess boy as it has quite a strong jaw but it's hard to say as the forehead does look a bit rounded!

Evergreen17 · 13/11/2016 09:18

Why do you want people to guess if you want a surprise??? Hmm

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