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Range of scary symptoms at 39 weeks

40 replies

Neverknowing · 21/10/2016 22:58

I'm booked in for a cesarean On Thursday as my baby is breech but today I've had very little movement and I just went to the toilet and there was blood when I wiped. Ive felt super ill all day, I feel very dizzy and have the shakes. Does anyone know what's going on?!

OP posts:
minmooch · 27/10/2016 20:39

Hope you have your little one in your arms now.

EllenDegenerate · 23/10/2016 11:15

Fabulous news, best of luck for Thursday Flowers

Haggisfish · 23/10/2016 10:28

Oh I'm glad you're both ok.

ProfessorPickles · 23/10/2016 09:23

I'm really pleased to hear it OP Smile

albertcampionscat · 23/10/2016 07:46


Frazzled2207 · 23/10/2016 07:42

Great news. Best of luck x

Neverknowing · 23/10/2016 03:06

Thank you everyone. I've been in all day and it seems all is okay now, they monitored baby and said I'm all okay to wait until Thursday for my cesarean Smile

OP posts:
ProfessorPickles · 22/10/2016 15:54

Just seen your thread OP, I really hope you and your baby are ok. Did you go in to get checked out?

Wishing you all the best!

Amalfimamma · 22/10/2016 15:50

At this point I don't know if we should expect worried or if we were trolled seeing as last night there was an invasion

EllenDegenerate · 22/10/2016 13:24

Any news OP?

Hoping that you've got all the help you need Flowers

MumOfTwoMasterOfNone · 22/10/2016 09:13

Hope you're ok OP Flowers

Whatsername17 · 22/10/2016 08:59

It sounds like early labour to me. I had this and baby you arrived 48hours later. I hope you are OK. Flowers

cantmakeme · 22/10/2016 07:50

Hope that you and baby are ok OP.

Frazzled2207 · 22/10/2016 07:43

Did you speak to a midwife? I'm surprised they didn't need you to get in. How are you now, is someone able to take you?

Amalfimamma · 22/10/2016 06:52


Any News? How was your Night?

passthewineplz · 22/10/2016 00:38

What are your instincts telling you? Do you think you're ok to wait until tomorrow?, or do you feel like you need to been seen now?

My advice is, If baby isn't moving about as much as they usually do, you really need to be seen tonight.

Having lived in the middle of no where myself, I understand about transport issues.

Do you have a neighbour, friend or relative who can take you to hospital?

If not, do you have any money to call for a taxi from the nearest town? Or is there an out of hours doctors facility you can call?

Neverknowing · 22/10/2016 00:27

I have to wait till morning, they can't send an ambulance and there are no more taxis as I live in the middle of nowhere Confused they would send an ambulance if they thought it was important though I hope.

OP posts:
EllenDegenerate · 21/10/2016 23:32

Go on, off to hospital with you right now.

Best of luck Flowers

You'll be in the right place.

Frazzled2207 · 21/10/2016 23:26

Good luck x

Goldenvalley · 21/10/2016 23:18

Good luck OP. Glad you're going in.

Wolfiefan · 21/10/2016 23:16

Good luck.

Ditsy4 · 21/10/2016 23:13

I agree get it checked out. The reduced movement alone can be a sign but the shakes etc if you ring and say no transport they might send an ambulance for you if you can't get a taxi but do go. Don't leave until morning as if it is pre eclampsia then things can can change rapidly. I had it or toxaemia with all four of my pregnancies.


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Neverknowing · 21/10/2016 23:11

Okay, thank you everyone. I'm going to ring triage and go in.

OP posts:
user1471134011 · 21/10/2016 23:09

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Christobel51 · 21/10/2016 23:09

Sounds like you could be in early labour! The symptoms you describe are all possible in early labour. Try not to worry too much, but I would call your local hospital/ midwife centre and speak to them and then if there is no none to take you, I would get a taxi and take your notes and hospital bag with you. Good luck. X

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