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(Almost too afraid to ask you all but ) is this a miscarriage?

72 replies

Anisse · 09/02/2007 12:58

Am almost 6 weeks pg, felt very nauseous at start but now nothing. I have had a very stressful 2 weeks and now my pg seems to be fading.

Have had dull period pains every night for 3 nights and today seeing slight hint of brown (trying to put it nicely).

Have been pg before and not had this happen, do you think I should fear the worst?

This year has been an emotional rollercoaster for us and although this pg was a complete shock now finding myself desperately hoping it works ou.
Oh no I am about to fall apart and I am just not allowed to.

OP posts:
magaddict · 13/02/2007 19:43

Hi Anisse

So so sorry to hear your news. Take care of yourself x x

AdelaideS · 12/02/2007 23:24

Night Anisse..hope tomorrow is as good as it can be for you (under the circumstances)

Oh, and eat well, ...iron and all that

Muminfife · 12/02/2007 23:05

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AdelaideS · 12/02/2007 23:04

Hmm, very small kitchen, a fridge freezer that size would have to BE my kitchen, iyswim.
I just find it so dull, all the specifications...........yawn.

Anisse · 12/02/2007 22:59

If my dds were to go fridge shopping with you they would persuade you to get one of those enormous american double door types with an ice dispenser. They LOVE that ice dispenser gadget.

OP posts:
AdelaideS · 12/02/2007 22:53

Oh God no, overwhelmed by the choice. You know how you get in a supermarket sometimes when you just can't think what to buy for tea?

Anisse · 12/02/2007 22:47

Adelaide You have made me smile!
Knowing you were all thinking of me helped so much when I sat in that waiting room too.

Did you get one?

OP posts:
AdelaideS · 12/02/2007 22:33

Aaah, Anisse ....
All over, how very sad for you.
I thought of you today when I was buying a fridge/freezer (that's meant to demonstrate that you've been in my thoughts!). Well done on the brave face and be gentle on yourself.

Anisse · 12/02/2007 22:12

Hello. The wine has helped.

Feeling ok now really. Have my gorgeous girls and my sweet little baby boy and they are the best therapy in the world.
That and my lovely virtual friends here

OP posts:
sazzybee · 12/02/2007 21:09

Oh Anisse I am so very sorry

Can you ask someone to look after your kids just for a few hours? I'd like to think you've got a bit of time to drink and stuff your face with chocs if that's what you feel like doing.

My condolences to you xx

StrangeTown · 12/02/2007 20:18

Anisse so sorry, sounds like it has been a horrible wait for you.

gingernut · 12/02/2007 20:08

Sorry the scan confirmed your fears . Thinking of you, and hope your little ds is better soon. xx

BandofMothers · 12/02/2007 19:36

So sorry to hear that Anisse.
Was really hoping for you.
Even if you can't hole up in your room tomorrow, you can still drink wine and eat chocolate tonight!!

Jamantha · 12/02/2007 19:07

Don't apologise Anisse - I'd hardly call that wallowing, and think you have every right to anyway! Sorry to hear your news. Take care.

Anisse · 12/02/2007 19:01

Oh god listen to me wallowing. Sorry.

OP posts:
Anisse · 12/02/2007 19:01

Oh that's so nice showofhands, and you are so right. talking on mn HAS helped me so much this weekend.
I so want to hole up in my room with a bottle of wine and giant box of chocs and wallow/sleep for days.
However real life does not allow anything of the sort does it.I was up 7 times last night to my poor little ds who is still coughing all night long. Have a group of 27 kids coming tomorrow for art lesson and all mine are on half term.
How to escape?

OP posts:
ShowOfHands · 12/02/2007 18:51

Oh you poor thing Anisse. Be very kind to yourself. Let yourself feel whatever it is that sneaks up on you- anger, remorse, regret, guilt etc. The range and intensity of emotions can be surprising. It's very hard losing a much wanted pregnancy and you aren't just grieving for the past 6 weeks, you're grieving for the next 9 months and the little child you were carrying. I've been where you are and I wish I could do/say something to make it easier for you.

Will be thinking of you. Take care and keep talking as long as you need to. Mumsnet got me through a miscarriage and into this pregnancy and without it I wouldn't have coped half as well.

Lots of love to you.

Anisse · 12/02/2007 18:48

sorry, they are lovely people- nurses, my sister is one. It was just a bit surreal sitting there, as if I was in the tourist information office, she was so jolly.

OP posts:
VeniVidiVickiQV · 12/02/2007 18:47
Spidermama · 12/02/2007 18:46

Sorry Anisse. Very cruel. Really tough for you. I'm glad you didn't need any procedures. Take your time and look after yourself. x

Anisse · 12/02/2007 18:45

Oh yes,most memorable bit for me was when I returned to the 'Registration' Nurse at the first unit and she read the scan report smiled and said ,
'would you like some leaflets?'

OP posts:
danceswithnewboots · 12/02/2007 18:45

So sorry to hear this anisse


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VioletBaudelaire · 12/02/2007 18:44

So sorry about your sad news.

Anisse · 12/02/2007 18:43

I have had a miscarriage.

8.30am sat and waited to be seen. Registered me, did a pg test which was neg and told me that my ultrasound was at 11am. wait in reception for 2.5hrs!
Told me not to eat any food in case I needed an op and to start drinking at 10am
(I went home and got DH)

11am had scan and they confirmed it.No further treatment needed thank goodness for small mercies.

That's that then I guess

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gingernut · 11/02/2007 23:33

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