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Differences in Pregnancy #2 and #1

4 replies

babyand · 19/10/2016 09:13

Hey guys,

What did ye find were major differences in ur second pregnancy?! I'm pregnant with #2 but only 5weeks :) would love to hear your experiences

OP posts:
Frazzled2207 · 19/10/2016 19:40

#1, quite sick early on, anterior placenta, felt him from 21 weeks, very bad pgp from about 20 weeks- from 30 weeks could only walk very short distances. 7lb baby arrived on due date

#2, not at all sick, posterior placenta, felt him from 11 weeks, hardly any pgp but got unimaginably huge by the end, 10lb baby arrived 10 days late

Congratulations Flowers

soundsystem · 19/10/2016 19:30

I'm 27 weeks with number two.

He's on a completely different spot: seemingly bouncing on my bladder, while DD was kicking me in the ribs.

My bump/general shape is totally different this time round, despite the starting point being about the same.

schokolade · 19/10/2016 18:42

Ten weeks with number two here. So far pretty similar to number one. Lots of vomiting and tiredness. Showing earlier this time!

AddictedtoGreys · 19/10/2016 14:25

Number 1 I had morning sickness with actual vomiting where as I just felt nauseas with number 2.

Number 1 I had 4 days of heavy bleeding where I was kept in hospital until it stopped at 11 weeks, number 2 I had nothing.

Number 1 was 12 days early born, number 2 was 6 days late!

Number 1 was back to back, born with forceps delivery and spinal block after 24 hours contractions. Number 2 was born in a birthing pool, just gas and air with 11 hours contractions and just 10 minutes pushing.

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