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Pregnancy after miscarriage....and sex/orgasm!

3 replies

Lucinda15 · 09/10/2016 16:22

I have just found out I'm pregnant again after 4 miscarriages over the last year. I have one DS who is 5. We had a smooth pregnancy with him and had sex throughout. We had sex for the first trimester of our 2nd pregnancy that ended in MC at 11 weeks. We stopped having sex as soon as we got a positive for all other pregnancies, all ending in miscarriage at various stages before 8 weeks.

While we feel uneasy about having sex, we have had a few occasions in bed that could have led to orgasm but stopped out of worry.

I spose it's really a matter of personal choice, but I'm interested to know if anyone has been or is in this position and what advice you have been given and what decision you have made about it.

Is it ok to have sex and/or orgasm during pregnancy after miscarriage?

OP posts:
Reetpetite17 · 10/10/2016 13:40

Like the others have said if there's no health concerns and no one, doctor/midwife, has said otherwise and you're comfortable to do so then go ahead. If you're uncomfortable you can always stop.

We haven't this pregnancy and I think it was a bit of a joint decision we fell into. I mc'd at around 12wks this past christmas, we did have sex during that pregnancy but when I had heavy bleeding it all stopped and thought things would be okay either way. I'm now 25wks. Any bleeding after sex would trigger me and make me panic I think. I think in the last couple months I'd feel more comfortable with it, baby being bigger etc. But there's no wrong or right choice about it.

smellsofelderberries · 09/10/2016 23:59

I fell pregnant the month after a MMC and we didn't have sex until I was 15ish weeks in his pregnancy. I had a sub chorionic haematoma so bled until just before 12 weeks, but because my sex drive goes a bit whacky during pregnancy I found it too hard to deal with the associated feelings. So, we had a little bit of sex during the first pregnancy (though also had some bleeding during that so had to be careful), so I associated that feeling of arousal while pregnant with miscarrying/an unhealthy pregnancy when I experienced it in this pregnancy. It was a really horrible, confusing place to be in and I still struggle with it a bit now (35 weeks), but we go slowly if I want to do anything and stop if I feel overwhelmed. I think you just need to do whatever you need to, to feel as comfortable as possible in the pregnancy. If that means no sex, great. If that means some sort of intimacy, great.

divadee · 09/10/2016 21:37

Unless the Drs have said otherwise after your miscarriages and you have no problems with your cervix there is no reason why you can't have sex. If you are worried take it slowly and easily and not be too rough.

I had a miscarriage in March and now 24 weeks pregnant. We had to be very very careful with sex after 12 weeks as I have had surgery on my cervix but no dr has told me I can't. They have all said as long as you are careful.

Take it easy and maybe try a lot of foreplay first to get you both in the mood and relaxed.

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