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32 weeks - cervix twinge/pain

4 replies

sharon2016 · 26/09/2016 09:21

Hi all,

For the past week I have been getting sudden twinges, almost shooting pains, in, i think, my cervix. its really worrying me! they only last about three seconds but it stops me in my tracks and is a little painful tbh.

Does anyone else get this or know what it could be? thanks x

OP posts:
LillianFullStop · 26/09/2016 14:10

second fresh - it's the dreaded fanny daggers. Started about 33-34w for me. Some days none at all - other days it's a barrage of arrows.

divadee · 26/09/2016 14:00

I have these. Had them from about 14 weeks. Really do take your breath away.

Afreshstartplease · 26/09/2016 09:38

Two words

Fanny daggers

ThinkPinkStink · 26/09/2016 09:35

Of course the correct advice is always 'ask your midwife if you're worried'...

However: are the pains almost 'scratchy' and sharp?

If so, I have had similar from 30ish weeks, it almost feels like a sharp kick in the top of my vagina (TMI?), it really took my breath away.

I'm now 39 weeks, it still happens from time to time, I've got used to it. I see mw/doc fortnightly and the pregnancy has progressed in a petty textbook fashion, so I presume it's just her moving around, pressing against nerves in my uterus/cervix which feel spiky a little lower than they actually are.

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