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Swollen feet and ankles

6 replies

obsessedlex · 07/07/2016 11:37

Hi - I'm 26 weeks pg and already suffering with swollen feet and ankles - attractive!! I know it's because I sit at work but there's not much helping that for the next 14 or so weeks!! Just wondered if anyone had any helpful suggestions xx?

OP posts:
pinkladyapple · 08/07/2016 16:35

Make sure you're not wearing trainer socks. I found they made my swollen ankles worse.

FriendlyCod · 08/07/2016 11:35

I bought some epsom salts from boots and soak my feet every night which seems to help. When they're particularly bad I then put the up on the back of the sofa and after 20 mins or so they have gone down. Sleeping with feet raised on pillows also helps.
I also work in an office and find that if I go out for a walk on my dinner and get up regularly to make drinks etc it helps.

Beansprout30 · 07/07/2016 12:44

Im 37 weeks and my feet are not too bad, but my hands are really puffy and my knuckles ache it's awful. I find it helps a little if I drink tons of water

kiwiscantfly · 07/07/2016 12:03

Flight socks helped me, they also make maternity socks which do the same thing basically. Make sure you tell your midwife though because it can be a warning sign too.

I do think it's funny that they suggest to put your feet up though but if your baby is breech they say not to do that, can't win sometimes.

HaggisnNeeps · 07/07/2016 12:02

I could have written this, same here and also 26 weeks!

Showgirl109 · 07/07/2016 11:49

I wish I had a magic wand... My feet are so swollen. It been using mamma bees foot rub (pregnancy range of burts bees) and it's really tingly and seems to help a lot but I'm not sure if it's the cream or the massage. By the end of the day my feet are so swollen they hurt so I've taken to submerging them in icy water.

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