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11 weeks pregnant.. symptoms completely gone

4 replies

Jessien22 · 18/06/2016 15:43

Hi all :)
Is it normal for symptoms to completely disappear at 11 weeks?
From 6 weeks I had really bad sickness, which made me lose 8lbs. I also had very sore and swollen boobs, cramps, bad back, dizziness, no appetite, heartburn etc.. now I have nothing and my boobs have gone back to normal!
I had a scan at 7 weeks and everything was perfect. Now I don't feel pregnant anymore and my scan isn't til 13 weeks. I'm over worrying as I had an early miscarriage last year. :(
Has this happened to anyone else and the baby was fine?! Blush

OP posts:
ppole27 · 18/06/2016 20:27

I felt the same at this stage however my symptoms seem to have come back again now at week 13.
The sickness now feels worse than before- supposedly it's meant to get better after 12 weeks but isn't the case for me.

Now I constantly feel bloated so the pregnancy feeling has most defiantly come back.

There was a stage (I think around week 10/11) where I wouldn't feel any anything apart from the odd really bad cramp now and again and I also did start to worry but all of fine now.

Rubberduck2 · 18/06/2016 16:08

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Rubberduck2 · 18/06/2016 16:06

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blue2014 · 18/06/2016 15:51

Yep, it seems to be quite normal for symptoms to come and go, they may well come back in a few days or you might be reaching that special 12 week mark when symptoms can get loads better

Best wishes

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