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Would you get a private early scan?

27 replies

Ellie06 · 04/06/2016 17:34

So I had my booking appointment today, midwife was lovely but said we wouldn't have our dating scan until around about 13-14 weeks because they are so booked up at the moment.

This may sound ridiculous but I am getting married when I will be just over 15 weeks pregnant and I don't want to find out something is wrong potentially up to two days before the wedding. I know whatever stage a miscarriage or problem with the baby is identified isn't going to be easy to deal with, but if there was a big and obvious issue I would rather find out earlier so I had a bit more time to process it before I am meant to be walking down the aisle with a big smile on my face.

Has anyone had an early private scan? What was your experience?

I am six weeks at the moment, was thinking of waiting until we are around 8-10 weeks and going for a private scan.

OP posts:
waxweasel · 05/06/2016 17:07

I had one with DD2 at 7 weeks, just because I wanted one for reassurance as 2yo DD1 was already blabbing to everyone, and because I was so sick that it was impossible to keep it a secret anyway. Plus I was worried about the possibility of twins and wanted as much time to prepare as possible if it was!

I would definitely do it again if we have a third DC. We went to the Fetal Medicine Centre which was absolutely brilliant. My only regret is that we ended up paying individually for an early scan and a 32 week wellbeing one, and I wish we'd purchased the package for not much more money which gave you all 4 scans plus the harmony test.

IWILLgiveupsugar · 05/06/2016 12:17

Be careful if you have a very early scan. I have had 2. With ds1 it was at 6.7 wks and all was fine, heartbeat detected easily. But with ds2 I had one and she pressed so hard on my abdomen to get an image that she caused a haematoma and I nearly miscarried. If it is very early (6-7 wks) I would ask for an internal scan but ideally I would wait until 9 -10 weeks if possible as it will be easier for them to detect heartbeat etc and more likely to be reassuring.

purpleporpoise · 05/06/2016 12:00

I had one at 7 weeks as a heartbeat should be there. We'd had an early MC previously.
It was bad enough to wait that long so another 7 weeks would be torture. Definitely get one, if you see a heartbeat then the risk of MC is massively reduced. If it's gone wrong then the earlier you know the better
Some places do them for as little as £50...worth every penny to me

Marshpillow · 05/06/2016 11:58

OP I was the same as you! My NHS scan was booked for 2 days before our wedding day, so I booked a private one at 10 weeks to see if there were any obvious issues. As it turned out DD was fine in there and she's now 16 months old, but I'm so glad I had the early scan as like you, I didn't want to potentially find out I'd lost her 2 days before my wedding.

KayTee87 · 05/06/2016 11:54

I had one at 8/9weeks and it was great, got to hear the heartbeat too Smile

malvinandhobbes · 05/06/2016 10:33

I had one at 8 weeks and it was fantastic. My older kids were getting worried that I was so sick and tired, but I didn't want to tell them until we were more confident. I have no regrets at all.

YoungGirlGrowingOld · 05/06/2016 10:04

Another vote for Harmoni here (although I had NIPT but I think it's the same). So reassuring and so good to find out the gender 3 months in!! My risk of trisomy anomalies was 1/10,000 and I am a geriatric mum Wink so it was a weight off my mind.

Sunshinegirl82 · 05/06/2016 09:30

I had early private scans as I was very anxious early on and found it reassuring. For me it was definitely worth doing.

If you were very keen to know more before the wedding you could look into having the harmony test done privately? They can do the test from 10 weeks so you should have the results by your 12 week NHS scan. We paid to have it done and whilst it wasn't cheap (about £450) I would definitely do it again! Our NHS scan was on Christmas Eve and I was concerned that it would be a very difficult time of year to be making decisions if something did turn out to be wrong with the pregnancy. As it was the harmony came back low risk for the three main trisomies and we found out we were having a boy!

Me624 · 05/06/2016 09:21

I had one at 8 weeks, for no reason other than I wanted it and was too impatient to wait for the NHS one. It was super exciting although there wasn't a whole lot to see at 8 weeks - we had the photo out the other day and DS was really just a little blob, if the sonographer hadn't told us I wouldn't have known which end was his head and which was his bum!

tided us over nicely though until the NHS one which I had bang on 12 weeks and the difference was amazing - it's a proper baby at 12 weeks.

coppergrey · 05/06/2016 08:32

I had a private scan at 8 weeks, the NHS one at 13 weeks and then have another private scan booked at 17 weeks before my NHS one at 20 weeks.

The first private scan was to reassure me everything was OK as we were going on holiday shortly after. It was a lovely experience and well worth the money. The 17w scan is because we want to know the gender and are very impatient! Grin

I think if you can afford it and don't overdo it (we probably won't have another private scan after 17w) then go for it, as it's so nice to see your baby more often.

Chocolate, so sorry to hear that.

YoungGirlGrowingOld · 04/06/2016 19:30

I have had scans at 7, 10 and 12 weeks. (Not in UK). I would do it but as a pp said the reassurance lasts about a day before the anxiety starts building again! That said, it was amazing to hear the heartbeat each time and since I don't have any bump at all yet it makes me feel less of a fraud!!

AnUtterIdiot · 04/06/2016 19:26

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AnUtterIdiot · 04/06/2016 19:24

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RaeSkywalker · 04/06/2016 18:31

Oh Chocolate I'm so sorry Flowers

Ellie06 · 04/06/2016 18:23

Thanks for sharing chocolateraisin, and I'm really sorry to hear that. I think that is what I am worried about, carrying on like everything is fine when something might not be. Other half is super keen to tell family etc now and I just want a bit of reassurance first. I know things can go wrong at any point, and an early scan won't change that, but I don't want something to have been wrong from now and I spend the next 8 weeks thinking everything is still ok.

OP posts:
ChocolateRaisin · 04/06/2016 18:10

I had a private scan at 8 weeks and found out that things weren't right. I have had another two further scans with nhs a week and 2 weeks later after that. I've been told my pregnancy isn't viable but due to protocol I have to go back again next week (would be 11 weeks then) for what will be hopefully a third and final scan before I can go for an erpc. It has been absolutely awful and if I hadn't been for my early private scan, I'd still be thinking I'm pregnant and things are fine now.

I think in your position I would definitely get an early scan.

Ellie06 · 04/06/2016 18:04

The midwife is going to text me on Monday with the scan details, she couldn't do it today because the system doesn't work on at the weekend (love the NHS Grin). We did request the NT scan, so I'm sure she will keep in mind the dates with that. I know I will continue to worry whatever happens and whatever scans I get, every morning I wake up and the first thing I check is that my boobs are still sore! Just a little bit more reassurance earlier on would be nice.

OP posts:
plimsolls · 04/06/2016 18:02

I did, at 9 weeks. Just for reassurance, particularly as there were people we wanted to tell before 12 weeks. It was lovely. The technician we were just after reassurance so she spent a lot of time showing us the baby, we just watched it wiggling around for a while!

Very early scans (

RaeSkywalker · 04/06/2016 18:00

Also bear in mind that if you're having the nuchal translucency measured, the scan should be done between 11+2 and 14+1 weeks. I'd be worried if I got a scan date that put me at 14 weeks incase I was further along than I thought based on LMP. At least of you have an early private scan they'll also be able to tell you how far along you are.

RaeSkywalker · 04/06/2016 17:56

I had a scan at 7 weeks on the NHS (I have HG).

In your situation I would absolutely pay for private. Just hear in mind that it's a snapshot of a moment in time- I went right back to worrying about whether the baby was within a day of having mine!

Ellie06 · 04/06/2016 17:54

Thanks all, I don't know why but I sort of felt/feel like it is cheating in a way to get one early and I should just wait until the NHS one. I would def rather know earlier than later if I had something like a missed miscarriage or molar pregnancy etc. Whenever we have the first one I am going to be terrified but it would be nice to have a little reassurance sooner rather than later. To be honest I didn't even know they were so available until a friend of my boyfriends told him about them.

OP posts:
TooLazyToWriteMyOwnFuckinPiece · 04/06/2016 17:54

In your situation I would. No scan proves that everything will be ok, but it would certainly give you an earlier indication that something is wrong. Which it is not at all likely to be.
I miscarried a few months before my wedding and I would certainly not like it to have been nearer to the event.


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Minispringroll · 04/06/2016 17:52

I had two ectopics (one two weeks before my wedding), so we had our first scan for this pregnancy at 6 weeks. Second one was a reassurance scan at 9/10 weeks. Both of those were through the EPU. My first proper dating scan is next week, when I'll be 13 weeks. It has put my mind at rest a little bit, although I keep being incredibly nervous before each one and expect something to have gone wrong...
I had considered (and would have arranged) private early scans with the two previous ones, but we never even made it to 6 weeks with those, so didn't get to it.

Mrsfancyfanjango · 04/06/2016 17:46

I didn't with my first 2 pregnancies but did with my third at 7 weeks, it was lovely! But it didn't calm my nerves at all, I was even more worried because now I'd seen that little heartbeat it would of been even more heartbreaking if something happened. Luckily she's now asleep in her bouncer so everything was just fine Grin

blue2014 · 04/06/2016 17:45

If you can afford it then I would, I had two at 7 and 10 weeks (IVF) If you can, I would wait til 10 weeks - all being well you can actually see its a little one then (I saw it's arms and head)

Best wishes and congrats xx

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