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please tell my oh this is +ve

29 replies

Looiloo79 · 31/03/2016 17:28

Hi. Not actively trying but if anything happened then we would be pleased. 4 days late and took a test just now. This is what it showed. I think +ve he says it's not a clear enough line. Thanks

please tell my oh this is +ve
OP posts:
Looiloo79 · 01/04/2016 09:18

Looks like a few men don't want to believe what the test says. Test 2 this morning showed a clear definite line and now he believes it. Still in shock and probably will be until December lol. Thanks for all the replies X

OP posts:
skankingpiglet · 01/04/2016 09:10

Yep, bfp Smile
Mine was similar and my DH didn't believe it either despite us actively TTC and it being DC2. I'm currently 27wks Grin I told him if he didn't believe it he could shell out for one of those really pricey digital tests which would tell him definitively, which he did. Yup, +ve. We don't plan on having any more but if we did I think he'd just believe me next time!

LittleLionMansMummy · 01/04/2016 08:59

That's a way stronger line than my first one. Congrats!

seven201 · 31/03/2016 19:00

My husband was exactly the same. He insisted we not get excited or even talk about it again until I'd done another test the next day - I bought one on the way to work then texted him from the staff loos to say it was positive. The reply I got was 'shit' (in a good way as we had been trying)!

lougle · 31/03/2016 18:36

That's not a subject for debate. The line is clearly present. Tell your DP that he's going to be a Dad 😁

BastardGoDarkly · 31/03/2016 18:35

Yep! Get some sleep ops dh!l you're going to need it Flowers

DorotheaHomeAlone · 31/03/2016 18:21

Congratulations! Same line, same response from my DH with our first. We did 4(!) more tests that night as kept messing them up.

KayTee87 · 31/03/2016 18:14

Congratulations!! It's darker than mine was and I'm 24 weeks now!!

ItsLikeRainOnYourWeddingDay · 31/03/2016 18:13

Very positive! The second line can be faint or really dark.

nehagarg · 31/03/2016 18:12

My first line was way lighter than that, Mr. Looiloo, and the result is currently booting my ribs to pieces. Line is a line. No matter how faint.

MilkTwoSugarsThanks · 31/03/2016 18:12

My line was like that. He's now 11! That is definitely a positive!

GeezeLouiseBelcher · 31/03/2016 18:11

Haha my dp took me straight to tesco and bought a couple more tests and begged me to do them in the tesco loo. He didn't believe the first test either.

WellErrr · 31/03/2016 18:09

A line is a line, no matter how faint.

Congratulations Flowers

Artioo2 · 31/03/2016 18:04

There's no such thing as not a clear enough line - a line you can see is a positive. The dye only reacts to the pregnancy hormone, so the only reason to get any kind of line is being pregnant. Congratulations. :)

RaeSkywalker · 31/03/2016 18:01

That exactly how my DH reacted!

Definitely looks positive to me Smile

hellhasnofurylikeahungrywoman · 31/03/2016 18:00

I can see that kine without my glasses, congratulations... Looilou's OH that's a positive Grin

Finola1step · 31/03/2016 17:59

Big old +. Congratulations.

Expatmomma · 31/03/2016 17:59

That looks exactly like an afternoon one I did.

The result is now 16 years old Smile


Chocolatekeepsmesane · 31/03/2016 17:57

You are definitely pregnant. Congratulations Thanks

DartmoorDoughnut · 31/03/2016 17:55


Floggingmolly · 31/03/2016 17:54

This is the very first Is this a line?? thread where I can actually see a line! Congratulations Flowers

Looiloo79 · 31/03/2016 17:47

Aw thanks for all your replies. He's starting to believe it now he's seen your responses. He still wants to do test number 2 in the morning to make sure. Gosh I'm excited. Smile

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InQuiteAPickle · 31/03/2016 17:44

Dear Mr. Looliloo, this is a positive test. CongratulationsFlowers.


CatsCantFlyFast · 31/03/2016 17:36

Completely positive x

MayhemandMadness · 31/03/2016 17:34

'Not a clear enough line', means there is a line. Completely positive - congrats

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