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Pregnant at Christmas

27 replies

Cinnamon84 · 23/12/2015 19:37

I'm going to be 6 weeks pregnant on Christmas Day. I'm really happy about it but wondering how to hide it as oh and I don't want to tell anyone until after the 12 week scan.
My family drink a lot and will start the day with smoked salmon, runny eggs and champagne...followed by loads of red wine and cheese!
Is alcohol completely out of bounds at this early stage? ( have read contradictory advice on the Internet) or is one small glass ok?
Im going to get so many questions for not drinking, does anyone have any clever excuses?

OP posts:
Scattymum101 · 24/12/2015 14:30

I found out I was pregnant on Xmas eve four years ago and ended up just telling everyone as it was easier than lying about it and worrying about being caught out all day.
I had previously had two miscarriages at 7.5 weeks and 5.5 weeks but actually found the secret keeping more stressful. I know how scary it is after miscarriage and totally respect that you don't want to tell people but if hiding it over Xmas is going to cause you more stress or if you're worried about people twigging then it isn't the end of the world if you ended up having to tell people.

For the record the two pregnancies we kept to ourselves didn't work out and the two we told immediate family about the day we found out have resulted in two healthy girls (just mean the tempting fate thing isn't really anything). The first one we found out on Xmas eve and the second was the day I had arranged a cocktail party so it was just easier to not hide it.

Wishing you all the best in your pregnancy x

MamaMort · 25/12/2015 11:25

Best of luck to you with your pregnancy! I just found out that I'm 4 weeks pregnant for the first time, on Tuesday. I told my partner last night; all a bit romantic by the Christmas tree. We're staying in house full of people and young children. Luckily I don't drink, but I am totally off sweets, especially chocolate. That is notably different behaviour from me, especially at Christmas! I've told my partner to tell his brother (already a dad) when there is a quiet moment so he has someone 'in the know' to talk to. I'll be telling my parents when they visit tomorrow. Just crossing my fingers that no one else twigs!

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