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Early pregnancy over the Christmas period

27 replies

hgleslie89 · 26/11/2015 13:44

I found out a few days ago that I'm pregnant (hooray!) and was wondering whether anyone had tips for getting through Christmas parties etc.? My husband and I are planning on telling family members at Christmas (when I'll be nearly 9 weeks), but other people won't find out until mid January. So any suggestions of how to gloss over the fact that I won't be drinking at Christmas/New Year shenanigans without outright lying?

OP posts:
RachaelLaurenDaisyStone · 01/12/2015 10:20

I'm doing exactly the same thing! ❤️😁 good luck! X just go with the driving excuse, don't act any differently to how you do normally or dress differently as it just sets up more 'evidence' eg/ "she wasn't drinking and she was wearing a random baggy top and trousers and she was quiet and ..." Etc just have a half filled drink in hand. 😁 put yet down pick it up, ask ur partner to hold it while u look in ur bag...etc just be natural xx

mummyagainin2016 · 01/12/2015 10:28

I had my 2ww after IVF treatment over Christmas a few years ago. I got a BFP on New Year's Eve. I just didn't go out much tbh. Was knackered from all the treatment and procedures. I drove on Christmas Day and DH had a drink at family lunch so that looked normal. Went out for work drinks just before Christmas and said I planning to only drink during the Christmas hols itself and had overspent on pressies. No one blinked. No issues.

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