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family and pregnancy

26 replies

XxxNewtsxxX · 23/11/2015 18:18


Sorry for moaning but has anyone else had their mothers treat them like crap since becoming pregnant?

I'm 32 weeks pregnant and my mum is 100% involved with the pregnancy she comes to all the scans and MW appointments because partner works full time so he hardly gets time to come to the appointments with me.
Yet my mum still treats me like crap having ago at me all the time stressing me out blaming me for her being ill and telling me to do everything (walk the dog everyday,shopping,cleaning,cooking ) while she sits at her mates all day and doesn't nothing.
She said she cares about the baby and me but I can't see how she does after she knows that I should be getting stressed out while pregnant.
When I try and talk to her about she says she doesn't do anything and blames it on my partner. Sorry for the long post

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XxxNewtsxxX · 27/11/2015 16:44


How can you call me a sulky child when you know nothing about me.
I haven't just been sitting doing nothing I've been looking for somewhere to move to before I became pregnant.
I'm not a sulky child and I am not a child yes I'm young but that doesn't give you or anyone else the right to judge me on my age and I do not lack confidence I asked a question that I needed help on and that makes me sound like I'm sulking well excuse me for having a problem to which of whom I did not know to talk to about.
Maybe you don't understand the situation that I am in so I would appreciate it if you would rather than judge me due to my mother's actions and me having posted the question not comment to comment if my age is all that you obviously care about.

Thank you

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