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Irregular Periods, Ovulation TTC

2 replies

Rosie94 · 19/11/2015 00:24

Hello everyone.
My partner and I are planning on starting to try for baby #2 mid next year so I've decided to start tracking my cycles etc. Currently my periods are completely irregular, I'm currently on cycle day 42 with no signs of coming on. I've read that most people don't ovulate with irregular cycles however I know when I am as I get a sort of stabbing pain in one of my ovaries. During this one massive cycle I had the pain on day 11 and also day 41 (yesterday) if I am correct that means I am ovulating as if my cycles were 39 days?
I know we aren't trying yet but my head is in baby mode and it's getting me really upset thinking I might not be ovulating.

OP posts:
dizzylemon · 19/11/2015 11:26
Sanch1 · 19/11/2015 10:38

Try the Conceptionboard, there will be lots of ladies trying to conceive over there able to answer your questions or be in s similar situation.

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