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Any nub theory experts want to place their bets?

10 replies

ThePug · 03/09/2015 10:39

Had my dating scan yesterday which put me at 12+6. I'm not sure if there is even a nub visible (it might be leg!) on this photo; what do we think? We will definitely be finding out as soon as we can but 8 weeks seems soooo long to wait!

Any nub theory experts want to place their bets?
OP posts:
ThePug · 27/10/2015 13:44

Thought I'd dig this thread out and update to say.... we were all wrong and he's a boy!

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SeldomAthleticFC · 04/09/2015 19:16

I'll find out at my 20 week scan if I can. It's 20 October, so I'll update you then.

ThePug · 04/09/2015 18:39

Oh absolutely doc ! I'm type 1 diabetic so have had some extra scans already and will have them monthly after 20 weeks but was disappointed to find out today they won't do any more between now and 20 weeks (unless needed for some reason) - I'd hoped I might get a sneaky heads-up a few weeks early but alas I won't.

OP posts:
docmcstuffins1 · 04/09/2015 17:16

Yes Pug, I'm finding out. DH said he didn't want to know initially but after the 12 week scan he's desperate to know, he's so excited it's so sweet!
Are you finding out?

ThePug · 04/09/2015 11:11

Oooh thanks for the feedback; sounds like we're unanimous on mine being a girl then (which is what I thought) if (big if) that is the nub!

Seldom There seems to be a straight horizontal bit like on mine, so I'm guessing girl for you too

doc If I'm looking at the right bit I think yours looks horizontal/parallel to the spine too so I'd say another girl! Can't see anything poking up at an angle.

Are you all finding out at the next scan?

OP posts:
scrumpkin · 04/09/2015 10:02

Guessing girl here too.

SeldomAthleticFC · 04/09/2015 09:59

Mine wasn't a great scan photo to begin with and I seem to have made it worse - but I think it's a girl.

doc, yours looks different to mine and pug's photos so I would guess a boy - if that is a nub I'm looking at...

docmcstuffins1 · 04/09/2015 06:59

Pug - I would guess girl. Seldom - difficult to see but leaning towards girl...
This is mine, 13+4. Again not sure if nub or leg! What do you all think?

Any nub theory experts want to place their bets?
MummyPiggy87 · 03/09/2015 23:22

The pug, if that is a nub I would also say a girl due to the fork laying flat.
Seldom I can't really see much in yours. Mine was the same I couldn't tell either till 20 week scan.

SeldomAthleticFC · 03/09/2015 21:53

If that is the nub - and I'm not sure - it looks like a girl to me.

Here's mine. What do you reckon?

I'm no expert, as you can probably tell!

Any nub theory experts want to place their bets?
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