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Confused and feeling ill...- Am I pregnant?

34 replies

Pingu1985 · 31/07/2015 17:03

Hi, this is my first post on here. I wouldn't usually post on any forums, but I am baffled with this.

I am wondering if I am pregnant. I have been to my docs to ask for a pee sample and/or bloods to be done but they are not interested in helping or putting my mind at ease.

However, me amd DH have been TTC since i had IUD taken out on 30th march. Literally AF came the very next day!!! :/ i thought having IUD out would mess up my periods, but luckily they have been consistent. Every 28 days for 4/5 days, quite heavy.

Anyway, fastforward to June. I started feeling very sicky, bloated, tired, and thought i might have fallen on then, but then AF came on time 24.6.2015. I had a normal period, so we tried again in july to ttc. I worked out 8th july would be my O day or there abouts. We 'danced' on 7th July, and on the 10th July. ;)

Since i get very 'on the dot" regular periods, I found it strange for AF to be 1 day late this month. Due 22nd, but came on 23rd (i think) no pmt, beforehand which i usually get. And this time it wasnt a regular period, it was very very short and light. 1 day of normal/light bleed for me no clots just a little blood, red and brown, then the second day was just watery, with a final little smidge of brown, and then stopped. (Sorry for TMI) All this time i have felt ill since then, and snappy, VERY sicky, VERY bloated, even getting a little daily heartburn which i suffered badly with my DS when I was preggers with him. Anyway, I decided to take a hpt on 30th July. (1 week after my supposed 1st day of AF started) and I thought it was negative. I looked a while later (like 3 hours later) and there is a very very very faint line. It is also the same colour as the other pink line, just alot fainter. So now I am comfused... Am i pregnant? Or do I need to go back to docs? I can see they will just fob me off and tell me to go get another HPT from shops, but they are not cheap, and when you only work part time due to a medical condition, I rely on every penny of my wages. :/ feeling fed up and just want to know if I am or not. :/

Confused and feeling ill...- Am I pregnant?
Confused and feeling ill...- Am I pregnant?
OP posts:
lovemakespeace · 14/09/2015 21:52

Great news :)

ICantThinkOfAUsernameH · 14/09/2015 17:34

Congratulations!! :D

Pingu1985 · 14/09/2015 15:35

Just wanted to update, and give a bit of hope and baby dust to all others who may be ttc.

I got my ++++. Thanks to everyone for their advice over the last few months and good luck to you all.

Confused and feeling ill...- Am I pregnant?
OP posts:
Pingu1985 · 12/09/2015 00:07

Will do hun. Thanks everyone. Ill update after weekend. Good luck to you all who may be ttc. xxx

OP posts:
ICantThinkOfAUsernameH · 11/09/2015 22:15

Let us know how you get on :)

Pingu1985 · 11/09/2015 21:50

Thanks, i hope so, and yes, I will test again in a few days. Due AF on sunday 13th, so maybe ill test on Monday, avoiding 13th and all that supersticious stuff. Wink

OP posts:
FizzlePops · 11/09/2015 08:32

My line like that on an IC is now 18 mo. Congratulations.

ICantThinkOfAUsernameH · 11/09/2015 08:19

Looks positive to me, I'll keep my fingers crossed!

NotSoYummyMummy23 · 11/09/2015 08:14

It looks positive to me! Maybe test again s couple of days. I really hope this is it for you Pingu!! Flowers

Pingu1985 · 11/09/2015 07:44

Update ladies: So here we are, a few months after my first post. We tried again this month. :) i am currently on CD 27 and I think 13 dpo. Ive done a test. And after 5 minutes i got the following result on a cheapo hpt. hope its our month this month. What do you ladies think? I am still not holding my breath just yet though. :)

Confused and feeling ill...- Am I pregnant?
OP posts:
Pingu1985 · 20/08/2015 21:35

Thanks. I might try that. Ive been using my days (free app), and been using my calendar. I have some O tests (cheap ebay ones) and same for pregnancy tests, but i might get that app you mention and see what happens.

Im thinking i may have Od sooner than what i thought with me having AF earlier than expected so BDing when we did, we might have missed the bullseye. Wink

OP posts:
Heavenscent86 · 20/08/2015 17:59

Hi you could try using the kindara ovulation app and charting your body temp and cervical fluids on it. It's really helpful in working out how close ovulation is. Otherwise you could invest in the book Taking Charge of your Fertility by Toni Weschler. It's also very helpful.

Pingu1985 · 20/08/2015 17:47

So my luck was out again this month... So my AF in July came a day late and was normal-ish so I assumed I would O anytime between 3rd Aug- 9th Aug, giving a couple of days either side to make sure. So we BDd on 31st July, 3rd Aug, 4th Aug, 6th Aug and 7th Aug. I thought this should do. So, I waited amd waited. Resisted testing at all. Was due on AF 19th August.

On the 16th I started spotting brown, but hadnt had any PMS symptoms, but I just 'didnt feel pregnant' I thought, ah well this COULD be spotting from implantation?....

Errrr, no. Twas not mean't to be... Lol!

Started AF EARLY!!!! 3 days early!!! WTH???!!! Not impressed. Hmm

What on earth is going on?

Gone from being on the dot 28 days 4 days heavy, now we actually ttc, Im all over the bloody place now... Literally! Haha. Sorry... TMI. Lol!

Dont know what to do. Fed up. Its soooo annoying. Can see its gonna get to a point I will be wearing my OH out... Lol! Wink

OP posts:
Pingu1985 · 06/08/2015 11:58

I think I used 10miu whatever the Lloyds own basic hpt is. And I know from the paper results from the docs they used 20miu taken at 2.30pm 2 days after I did my Lloyds one.

I am now about 30 dpo(ish) I saw that the % of being preg after a certain time is about 1% (or so I read). According to my usual cycle, I should be O'ing again about now, so we are trying again, so we will see what happens. Next AF is due 19th August. :)

OP posts:
ImpatiencePersonified · 06/08/2015 08:38

I wouldn't write it off just yet... my very faint positive is due in September and its possible your doctor is using a dip test too - and may be less sensitive that the one you've used!

The only way they could tell for sure would be a blood test.

I would test yourself again next week and see what the test says.

sweetilemon · 06/08/2015 08:28

Great! Hope to hear from you soon!

Pingu1985 · 06/08/2015 07:56

It was more annoying than stressful. Anyway, I've managed to pick up 50xOvulation test sticks and 10 hpts from eBay for less than £6, so we shall see. :)

I'm guessing that since my preggy symptoms have subsided eventually now over the last few days that the hcg hormones are now out of my system.

Thanks for all your help and advice everyone. I've saved this thread as a shortcut, so if I have any news in future, I will keep you posted. :) good luck to you all too! :)

OP posts:
sweetilemon · 05/08/2015 22:09

Oh, meant to say, the ovulation apps are handy. I used my days.

sweetilemon · 05/08/2015 22:07

Pingu that sounds quite stressful. Mine were faint to start but got darker. I only paid £1.20 for 3 in semi chem for mine so no need to splash out! Think the more 'expensive' 2pkt was £2.00. When I went to the doctors they just took my word for it and had no extra tests so don't have much experience to help you, sorry. Just didn't want to read and run.

Pingu1985 · 05/08/2015 17:41

Update: Conclusion

So, I finally got results today of my urine test from my doctors.


When i went to see doc on Monday, I showed her the picture of my very faint lined hpt done on the 31.7.2015.

The doctor too said it looks like a very faint line which could be the early start of pregnancy. So agreed to do a urine test to make sure 3.8.2015

However, after getting negative, am i right now then to assume it could have been a chemical pregnancy??? as all my 'symptoms' have too subsided since the end of the weekend 2.8.2015. Im feeling much better, not sicky anymore and no heartburn.

Ive not had amy bleeding though. :/

Just glad to know for sure now either way, so we can start on a clean slate moving forward.

Im also going to invest in some ovulation test strips off ebay see if that helps to calculate more accurate bany dancing times. ;) hehe

OP posts:
Pingu1985 · 04/08/2015 17:40

Just an update.

I went to the docs to ask for a urine sample so they could confirm yay or nay.

Booked appt, sat in docs room only to be told its going to be a few days for results!

Few DAYS??? I want to know NOW! booo! :(

Whatever happened to going to do a sample and the doc dropping a test stick in to tell you straight away? I really don't understand why they have to send them off and wait DAYS to get results. Its the same docs i went to when i was pregnant with DS1, and i got results there and then. :/

So bit annoyed with it all. Seems I wasted my time and could have just got some cheap tests from Asda. :/

Oh well, suppose waiting one more day isnt going to make any difference. Meh. :)

OP posts:
Finola1step · 02/08/2015 14:32

There is a very faint line so something is definitely going on. I think perhaps leave it for a week and test with a digital test.


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Pingu1985 · 02/08/2015 14:13

Oh, forgot to say the hpt ive used. Its just the pink lloyds pharmacy ones for about £6.20 for a box of 2. Not sure what the miu is and ive thrown box away now. :/

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Pingu1985 · 02/08/2015 14:11

So is it best getting the ones with a lower miu. Ive never took note of that, i didnt realise there was a difference. Lol!

My last proper full period was 24th june. 5 days heavy, as I always am. I have a very regular 28 day cycle and have done for last 3 years, even with stress or illness I always seem to be dead on the dot with timing.

But the one that was due on 22nd July, actually came very very light on 23rd and only lasted a day. Watery blood with a smidging of brown, then just stopped after the 2nd day.

I have been feeling bloated, queasy, snappy, daily niggling of heartburn, and occasional niggling headaches from about 2 weeks before I was due AF. :)

OP posts:
MummyBex1985 · 01/08/2015 13:10

The other thing is how sensitive are the tests?

For example you may get a BFN on clearblue digi which I think is 50miu (I got BFN at six weeks PG!) but Superdrug tests are as low as 10miu so you might get a stronger line on them.

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