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tens machine before labour

2 replies

lizardorchid · 25/07/2015 15:24

I have bought a tens machine to use for labour but I'm sure I've been told you can use it from 37 weeks to get used to it. Should I be starting to practice with it? Will it make it more effective during labour? The midwife at my last antenatal appt didn't know.

OP posts:
lizardorchid · 26/07/2015 12:44

Thank you.

OP posts:
soloula · 25/07/2015 16:43

There's not much to practice really as the settings for intensity will depend on the intensity of your contractions. I would get it out and have a play to familiarise yourself with how it works but no need to go sticking it on you and having a proper shot as it really is straightforward. It won't make any difference to the efficiency of your contractions, just help the pain so there's no advantage to using it earlier and I'd be wary of using it if there's no other reason, like back pain.

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