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What can I watch? (Bored on maternity leave)

30 replies

Penguinandminipenguin · 05/07/2015 19:50

Still 3 1/2 weeks until EDD, and I'm boooored! Can anyone recommend any boxsets/baby programmes to watch to keep me entertained? :)

OP posts:
scarednoob · 06/07/2015 12:47

another vote for orange is the new black.
the thick of it

Penguinandminipenguin · 08/07/2015 16:19

Thanks again everyone! Grin Should keep me busy!

OP posts:
FishWithABicycle · 09/07/2015 07:46

FlossyCat Lorelai Fattymcfatfat I have season 1 of blacklist as it was strongly recommended by a former colleague, only watched the first 3 episodes so far but have been really disappointed how really badly plotted, acted and scripted it is. You can't make credible drama if the plot relies on both criminal masterminds and senior FBI personnel being really thick and unobservant and making really stupid decisions. Are the first few episodes unrepresentative and they start paying better writers later on? I don't understand why it's getting these recommendations (I also hated 24 for the same reasons)

Wishful80sMontage · 09/07/2015 07:49

House of Cards is fab working my way through it now
Queer as Folk (uk version) still one of my all time favourites
Gossip Girl

Alwaysinahurrynow · 09/07/2015 08:01

Blacklist is definitely one where you have to completely ignore the great gaping plot and character issues, but do that and it's great to watch.

What about The Bridge, The Killing, Borgen if you haven't seen them already and don't mind subtitles.

House of cards with Kevin Spacey is fab too -off to buy the season 3 box set today!

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